Unit 12 Flashcards
Abdicate (V)
Ab’ da kat
To resign, formally give up and office or a duty to disown discard
Bestow (V)
Bi sto’
To give as a gift; to provide with lodging
Capacious (adj)
Ka pa’ shas
Able to hold much, roomy
Caustic (adj)
Ko’ stik
Able to burn or eat away by chemical action; biting sarcastic
Crusade (N)(V)
Kru sad’
(N) A strong movement to advance a cause or idea
(V) To campaign, work vigorously
Deface (V)
Di fas’
To injure or destroy the surface or appearance of; to damage the value, influence, or effect of; to face down, outshine
Embargo (N) (V)
Em bar’ go
(N) An order forbidding the trade in or movement of commercial goods
(V) To forbid to enter or leave port, to forbid trade with
Fallacy (N)
Fal’ a se
A false notion or behalf; an error in thinking
Levity (N)
Lev’ a te
A lack of seriousness or earnestness, especially about things that should be treated with respect; buoyancy, lightness in weight
Mendicant (N) (Adj)
Men’ da Kant
(N) beggar
(Adj) Depending on begging for a living
Nauseate (V)
No’ ze at
(V) To make sick to the stomach; to fill with disgust
Negate (V)
Ni gat’
To nullify, deny, bring to nothing
Pivotal (Adj)
Piv’ at al
Vitally important, essential
Recipient (N) (Adj)
RI sip’ e ant
(N) One who receives
(Adj) Receiving able or willing to rescue
Ruse (N)
An action designed to confuse or mislead, a trick