Unit 7 VOCAB Flashcards
Alert (adj)
Ready to act.
Diet drinks
Beverages with low or no calories
A unit of energy derived from food and drinks.
A stimulant found in coffee, tea.
Energy boost
A sudden increase in energy levels, often from food or drinks.
Energy crash
A rapid decrease in energy levels after a stimulus.
The pulsation of the heart
High energy drinks
Beverages that contain stimulants like caffeine to increase energy.
Knackered (adj)
Extremely tired or exhausted.
Low-fat yogurt
Yogurt with a reduced fat content.
The position or way someone holds their body.
Take a nap (Phr vrb)
To sleep briefly during the day.
Weight gain
An increase in body weight.
Work out (Phr vrb)
To do physical exercise, especially to stay fit.
Binge out on
To eat excessively, often due to pleasure or stress.
Cut out
To eliminate something from your diet or routine.
Eat out
To dine at a restaurant instead of at home.
Go easy on
To use or consume something in moderation.
Peel off
To remove the skin or peel of something, like fruits or vegetables.
Wind down
To relax after a period of stress or activity.