Unit 7 Gov test review Flashcards
Freedom of speech
Right to express opinions without censorship or restraint
Language that harms the reputation of another person
Written defamation harming a person character or reputation
Spoken defamation harming someone character or reputation
Freedom of religion
The right to practice whatever belief or faith
Establishment clause
Part of the first amendment preventing the government from creating an official religion for the US
Free exercise clause
part of the first amendment preventing the gov. from prohibiting worship or the practice of religious beliefs
Freedom to petition
right to present request to the government without punishment
Freedom of Assembly
The right of the people to gather peacefully with alike people
Morse v. Frederick
school officials can prohibit students from promoting the use of drugs and restrict speech when it occurs on school grounds or during a school-sponsored event
Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah
Animal sacrifice is protected by the first amendment as a permitted religious practice
Eloniis v. United States
Prosecutors in internet threat cases must prove defendant intended to threaten the victim when prosecuting a person
Bethel school district v. Fraser
obscene or vulgar student speech is not protected under the first amendment
Reynolds v. United States
the free exercise of religion does not include illegal activities like polygamy that offend public decency
Local groups of armed civilians during the colonial era
District of Columbia v. Heller
Gov. cannot take away persons firearms, protected by the second amendment
Temporary release of an accused person in exchange for money
Mcdonald v. Chicago
Right to bear arms provided by the second amendment that the federal government cannot take away
Cruel and unusual punishment
protection of incarcerated people, largely undefined
UN-numerated rights
according to the ninth amendment, any right that is NOT specifically addressed in the constitution but still protected
(numerated…think list)
Right to privacy
UN-numerated right, has been debated in numerous court cases…Griswold v. Connecticut, Ro v. Wade
Griswold v. Connecticut
implied right to privacy, which includes the use of contraceptives in the home
Obergefell v. Hodges
Upholds same-sex marriage for all citizens via the fourteenth amendment equal protection clause
De Jure segregation
Segregation by law
Jim crow laws
State and local statue that legalize racial segregation to deny Black and African Americans their rights
De facto segregation
Segregation by unwritten custom or tradition
Plessy v. Ferguson
Separate but Equal
Voting Rights Act (1965)
outlaws discriminatory voting practices, such as literacy tests
“Direct Action”
a civil rights strategy of boycotts, sit-ins and other non-violent protests intended to force change in segregation practices
Civil right act (1964)
prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
1st amendment
- Balance between public order and personal freedom
- freedom of religion Assembly, speech, press, petition
- limitation of first amendment rights
2nd amendment
Right to bear arms
4th amendment
No unreasonable search and seizures
8th amendment
- No cruel and unusual punishment
- No unreasonable bail or fines
Dr. Kings letter from Birmingham Jail
Direct action as a source of tension
Achievements of Civil Rights Movement
- Civil rights act (1864)
- Voting Rights act (1965)
- 24th Amendment