Unit 2 Gov test review Flashcards
the right to vote
ranked choice
voters rank all candidates until one candidate wins a majority
ad hominem
attack against opponent themselves, rather than their issue or idea
Glittering Generalities
emotionally appealing words that are used without supporting evidence
Two party system
a system where two major parties are dominated
Campaign finance
raising and spending money to influence political outcome
Buckley v. Valeo
citizens can give unlimited money to help a political party
Direct election
voters themselves choose candidate for office
Direct primary
voters elect candidates via secret ballot
“Get in on this”
Plain folk
portrayed as the average person “Obama playing basketball”
third party
a party that challenges the two major parties
Hard money
money given directly to candidate (amount is limited)
Citizens united v. FEC
super PACs are not required to disclose their donors
indirect election
a person or group are selected by voters to choose candidate
voters elect candidate by standing in groups
Emotional transfer
applying pos. or neg. energy to a candidate by associating them with something else
Straw man
misrepresenting an opponents issue in order to refute it without engaging the true issue
proportional representation
percentage of popular vote = percentage of legislative seats won by the party
soft money
money given to a PAC (amount is less restricted)
first past the post
voters choose a single candidate, whoever gets the most votes wins
biased or misleading information used to sway viewers into a particular thought
using officials or respected sources to support the candidate or cause
political party
group that aims to win elections and control the government
alliance between party to form a majority
public disclosure
candidates must publish records of who contributed to their campaign
19th amendment
constitutional amendment women gained the right to vote
third party is is liberal or conservative, push the main parties towards the extremes
ideological third party
fight for main issue above all, forces the main party to take a position
single issue party
breakaway from the main party, provides an outlet for all dissected voters from party
splinter party
top issue for voter in every poll conducted in the last decade
this president consolidated presidential power during the first era of democratic dominance, leading to the opposition of the Whigs
Andrew Jackson
a political group that has interest or opinions that differ from the rest of the political party
faction, James Madison believed a large republic would better control the influence of factions within our democracy
26th amendment
changed voting age from 21 to 18
this party formed formed as a coalition of wigs, free soil, and know nothings
republican party
when government is splint in half resulting in gridlock
divided government
Party development era
-feds support central gov
-lead by Alexander Hamilton
-democrats: republicans supported single states and workers
-lead by Thomas Jefferson
Democratic dominant era
democratic republican party- continue and consolidate behind a stronger leader
-lead by Andrew Jackson
-wigs- organize in opposition to Jackson and democrats
Republican Dominant era
-democrats supported slavery during civil war leading to collapse
-republicans arose as coalition against democrats, and fought against owning slaves
New Deal Era
-democrats shift towards liberalism, expand social programs, and civil rights legislation
-Republican voters go more conservative, attracting religious and white voters
president is FDR