Unit 7 Glossary Terms Flashcards
What is Issue Advocacy?
Unlimited and undisclosed spending by an individual or group on communications that do not use words like ‘vote for’ or ‘vote against.’
What is a PAC?
Political Action Committee organized to influence elections and legislation.
What is Bundling?
A PAC tactic whereby contributions are collected from like-minded individuals (each limited to $2000) and presented to a candidate or party as a ‘bundle,’ thus increasing their influence.
What does Faction refer to?
A Madisonian term that referred to parties and also interest groups.
What is a Movement?
A large body of people interested in a common issue/idea/concern that is of continuing significance.
What is an Open Shop?
Union membership is not a condition of employment.
What is a Closed Shop?
Union membership is a condition of employment.
What is a Free Rider?
An individual who does not join an interest group but receives the benefits that the interest group obtains.
What is Federalist No. 10?
An essay, written by Madison, that describes the inevitability of factions in a democratic government.
What is the Federal Register?
This official document, published every weekday, lists new and proposed regulations of executive departments and regulatory agencies.
What is a Single Interest Group?
A group whose power and concern is concentrated in a single issue.
What is a Public Interest Group?
A group that claims to be interested only in the general welfare, rather than a narrower, selfish cause.
Example: Common Cause.
What is an Interest Group?
A political group whose members share certain attitudes which exerts influence to achieve its objectives.
What is Lobbying?
Activities aimed at influencing legislative or administrative decision-making.
What is the Revolving Door?
The employment cycle in which individuals work, in turn, for governmental agencies regulating interests and then for the interest groups or businesses with the same policy concern.
What is an Iron Triangle?
A mutually supporting relationship among interest groups, congressional committees and subcommittees, and government agencies that share a common policy concern.
What is Litigation?
Pursuing a case or claim through the judicial process.
What is Amicus Curiae?
Translated as ‘friend of the court.’ Such an individual or group cannot initiate a suit, but may give testimony in a pending case.
For example, the court might permit the American Civil Liberties Union to file briefs showing the larger applications.