Unit 6 Glossary Terms Flashcards
What is a Party Column Ballot?
A ballot in which all candidates are listed under their party designations, making it easy for voters to cast votes for all the candidates of one party.
What is an Office Block Ballot?
A ballot in which all candidates are listed under the office for which they are running.
What is a Nonpartisan Election?
A local or judicial election in which candidates are not selected or endorsed by political parties.
What is Soft Money?
Money contributed for party-building purposes that does not have to be disclosed under federal law.
What is a Split Ticket?
Casting a ballot for candidates of different parties in an election.
What is Patronage?
Awarding government jobs to political supporters.
What is a Direct Primary?
An election in which party members select their candidates for the general election.
What is an Open Primary?
A primary in which any voter, regardless of party, may vote.
What is Crossover Voting?
A member of one party voting for a candidate of another party.
What is Proportional Representation?
An election system in which each party running receives the proportion of legislative seats corresponding to its proportion of the vote.
What is Winner-Take-All?
An election system in which the candidate with most votes wins.
What is a Third Party/Minor Party?
A political party that challenges the two traditional parties, rising and falling with a charismatic candidate or persisting over time.
What is Divided Government?
Governance divided between the parties, especially when one controls the White House and the other controls Congress.
What is Realignment?
A shift of voters from one party to the other.
What is Dealignment?
A weakening or rejection of the major parties and increase of independents.
What is a Honeymoon in politics?
Period of favorable presidential-press/Congress relationships.
What is a Political Party?
An organization that seeks political power by electing people to office so that its positions and philosophy become public policy.
What is a Party System?
A political system in which there are only two major parties—one in power, one in opposition.
What is a Party Convention?
A meeting of party delegates to pass on matters of policy and party matters, and in some cases to select party candidates for public office.
What is a Party Platform?
The official statement of party policy.
What is Party Registration?
The act of declaring party affiliation, in some states required when one registers to vote.
What is a Caucus?
A closed meeting of party leaders.
What is Party Identification?
An informal and subjective affiliation with a political party.
What is Rank and File?
The regular, ordinary party members.
What does Grand Old Party (GOP) refer to?
The Republican Party.
What is Mass Media?
The large, privately owned companies that dispense information through newspapers, radio, television, movies, and magazines to great segments of the general public.
What is an Issue Ad?
Commercial advertising on radio and TV advocating a particular position on an issue, paid for by interest groups designed to influence voters’ choices on election day.
What is Selective Perception?
The process whereby viewers, listeners, and readers filter information to conform to their existing prejudices.
What is Selective Exposure?
Screening out those messages that do not conform to personal biases.
What is the Agenda Function of media?
The ability of the media to determine the topics that dominate national concern.
What is Liberal Media Bias?
The thesis that the media generally support liberal attitudes, using as evidence the results of polls that show reporters and anchor persons to be more liberal than a cross-section of voters.
What is a Political Consultant?
A specialized campaign adviser, who is concerned with the candidate’s image, and use of television-newspaper reporting.
What is C-SPAN?
Nonprofit, cable satellite that covers public affairs and Congress.
What is the Fairness Doctrine?
Doctrine interpreted by the Federal Communication Commission that imposed on radio and television licensees an obligation to ensure that different viewpoints were presented about controversial issues or persons.
What is Political Socialization?
Process by which we develop our own political attitudes, values, and beliefs.