Unit 7 - Exercises Flashcards
Pleni sunt cæli et terra gloria tua.
Full are the heavens and the earth with your glory.
Jesus Nazarenus dicitur Christus.
Jesus of Nazareth is called (the) Christ.
Nazarenus - adj
Puero præmium a magistro datur.
A reward is given to the boy by the teacher.
Jesus turbam sanat; multi enim male habent.
Jesus heals the crowd; for many are sick
enim, nam = for …
Hodie Missa a caro episcopo celebratur.
Today Mass is (being) celebrated by the beloved bishop.
Digni sumus misericordia Dei?
Are we worthy of the mercy of God?
Puer infirmus votis Petri sanatur.
The sick boy is (being) healed by the prayers of Peter.
Universa Judæa ad domum advenit, et a Jesu peccata donantur.
All Judea arrives at home, and by Jesus (their) sins are (being) forgiven.
私)The whole Judea comes to the house, and the sins are forgiven by Jesus.
ad + accusitive = to, toward, for
Minister bene orat, et primum responsum a populo dicitur.
The minister prays well, and the first response is (being) said by the people.
In primis infirmos et mæstos sanat Jesus.
At first Jesus heals the sick and the sad.
Liturgia Deus a populo laudatur.
In the liturgy God is (being) praised by the people.
Propter Christi victoriam apostoli erant pleni lætitia; et adhuc cum gaudio populus Domino semper benedicit.
Because of the victory of Christ the apostles were full of joy (joyful); and so still with joy people bless the Lord.
semper = still
Animabus justorum semper benedicimus?
Do we always bless the souls of the just?
Una cum populo diaconus dignus ad Deum orat.
Together with people the worthy deacon prays to God.
Carus Jesu apostolus Mariam in cenaculum inducit.
The apostle dear to Jesus leads Mary into the upper room.
Et digni et indigni a Deo conservantur.
Both the worthy and the unworthy are kept by God.
Una ancilla ad Jesum in domo venit, et benedicitur.
One maid-servant comes to Jesus in the house, and she is blessed.
Magna lætitia psalmi a discipulis cantantur
With great joy the psalms are sung by the disciples.
Propter Filium Dei nostra natura a preccato liberatur.
Because of the Son of God our nature is freed from sin.
In nostris animis Dominus regnat; nam delet nostra vitia et culpas.
The Lord reigns in our souls; for He destroys our vices and faults.
A familia puer Jesus cum magistris in templo invenitur.
By (his) family the boy Jesus is found with teachers in the temple.
Liber a primo diacono recipitur.
The book is taken back by the first deacon.
In primis famulus in domum ducitur; ibi dicunt famulo aquam capere.
At first the servant is led to the house; there they tell the servant to take water.
Et tu (you) cum hoc (this) Nazareno, Jesu, eras.
And you, you were with this Nazarene, Jesus.
Credo in unum Deum.
I believe in one God.
Liturgia Verbi nunc agitur?
Is the liturgy of the word now being conducted?
The good people are being led into the church by the new deacon; there the canticles of the Lord are joyfully sung.
Populus bonus in ecclesiam a diacono inducitur; ibi cantica Domini cum lætitia cantantur.
Today the eternal victory of Christ is being well celebrated by his people.
Hodie victoria æterna Christi a populo bene celebrantur.
The many gifts of the assembly are being received by the beloved minister.
Multa dona ecclesiæ a ministro caro accipiuntur.
The Lord of power and justice is rightly praised by all nature.
Merito dominus potentiæ et justitiæ natura universa laudatur.
Merito (rightly, deservedly) is placed at the beginning of a sentence.
The man is not sad, but full of joy, for the sick in Judea are being healed by the blessed apostles.
Vir non est mæstus sed plenus gaudio, nam infirmi in Judæa ab apostoli benedictis sanantur.
(私) Vir mæstus non est; sed plenus lætatia, infirmi enim in Judæa a beati apostoli sanantur