Unit 7 - Exercises Flashcards
Pleni sunt cæli et terra gloria tua.
Full are the heavens and the earth with your glory.
Jesus Nazarenus dicitur Christus.
Jesus of Nazareth is called (the) Christ.
Nazarenus - adj
Puero præmium a magistro datur.
A reward is given to the boy by the teacher.
Jesus turbam sanat; multi enim male habent.
Jesus heals the crowd; for many are sick
enim, nam = for …
Hodie Missa a caro episcopo celebratur.
Today Mass is (being) celebrated by the beloved bishop.
Digni sumus misericordia Dei?
Are we worthy of the mercy of God?
Puer infirmus votis Petri sanatur.
The sick boy is (being) healed by the prayers of Peter.
Universa Judæa ad domum advenit, et a Jesu peccata donantur.
All Judea arrives at home, and by Jesus (their) sins are (being) forgiven.
私)The whole Judea comes to the house, and the sins are forgiven by Jesus.
ad + accusitive = to, toward, for
Minister bene orat, et primum responsum a populo dicitur.
The minister prays well, and the first response is (being) said by the people.
In primis infirmos et mæstos sanat Jesus.
At first Jesus heals the sick and the sad.
Liturgia Deus a populo laudatur.
In the liturgy God is (being) praised by the people.
Propter Christi victoriam apostoli erant pleni lætitia; et adhuc cum gaudio populus Domino semper benedicit.
Because of the victory of Christ the apostles were full of joy (joyful); and so still with joy people bless the Lord.
semper = still
Animabus justorum semper benedicimus?
Do we always bless the souls of the just?
Una cum populo diaconus dignus ad Deum orat.
Together with people the worthy deacon prays to God.
Carus Jesu apostolus Mariam in cenaculum inducit.
The apostle dear to Jesus leads Mary into the upper room.