Unit 5 - Exercises Flashcards
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominum Deus Sabaoth.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, God of Hosts.
Apostolos Christus vocat.
Christ calls the Apostles.
Christ is calling the apostles.
In Missa populus Dei Dominum laudat.
The people of God praise the Lord in the Mass.
Malis viris dona non damus.
We do not give gifts to the wicked men.
We are not giving gifts to the wicked men.
In via Domini ambulamus.
We walk in the way of the Lord.
We are waling in the way of the Lord.
Merito Dominum collaudamus; sanctus enim et bonus est.
Rightly we praise (are praising) the Lord together; for he is holy and good.
Episcopus quoque pro ecclesia Deum invocat.
The Bishop also calls (is calling) upon God on behalf of the church.
Dominum populum a malo semper liberat.
The Lord always frees (is freeing) (his) people from the wicked.
In nostris animis Christus semper regnat.
Christ always reigns (is reigning) in our souls.
Discipuli cum apostolis operant.
The disciples work (are working) with the apostles.
Psalmum coram Domino cantamus.
We sing (are singing) a psalm in the presence of Lord.
Oramus pro mundi vita.
We pray (are praying) for the life of the world.
Minister ad cenam Domini populum vocat.
The minister calls (is calling) the people to the supper of the Lord.
Stellam in cælo famulus laudat.
Verba impiorum numquam justi observamus.
Merito enim Christum, filium Dei, collaudas.
Clarum Mariæ documentum est populo.
Nunc benedicti sabbatum consecrant.
Ex agris Petrus pueros evocat.
Ecclesiæ donamus et pro populo operamus.
Tu (‘you’) es Christus filius Benedicti?
We pray to God.
God gives life to the world.
Good men always praise the Lord.
Our bishop consecrates the water and the wine.
God rules in heaven, the pope on earth.
In the beginning was the Word
The people rightly praise the Lord of Life.