unit 7 economic vocab Flashcards
businesses cluster in the same area
break-of-bulk point
location where raw materials are broken down before shipping further, ex dockyard
cottage industry
where families spread out in rural areas and worked in their homes to produce goods
imrpoving conditions through more knowledge and technology
industrial deconcentration because of technological advances or increasing costs because of competition
formal economy
businesses and other economic activities that have gov supervision, motitoring, protection, and they are taxed, ex gov banking, education, healthcare, manufacurers
pumping water at high temps to break apart rocks to release natural gas
friction of distance
the longer a journey is, the more time, effort, and cost it will involve
industrial park
collection of manufacturing facilities, usually in an area in suburbs, close to highways for movement of raw materials and finished products
informal sector
economic busineseses outside of government monitoring or regulation, ex babysitters, drug dealers, black market
just in time delivery
where goods are delivered as needed
export processing cities in northern mexico, major areas of industry
very small short-term loans with low interest to help people
relocating business operations and functions to another country, ex putting customer service in india where cost of labor is lower
moving industrial production or service industries to external facilities or organizations, often outside the country, ex outsource book keeeping duties to an accounting firm instead of getting an accountant
transferring a business operation that was moved overseas back to the country from which it was originally relocated, domestic outsourcing
post-industrial economy
an economic pattern marked by a mainly tertiary sector employment, ex the united states that has people in service rather than in production
quaternary sector
knowledge based, research, and information
quinary sector
highest level of decision making, gov offivials and business ceos