unit 4 politics Flashcards
autonomy defex
independence or freedom, govern independantly - body autonomy
boundary defex
a limit of an area or thing - us state boundaries
city state defex
a city having sovereignty over a territorry - athens or sparta
devolution defex
when the central power in a state is broken up regionally,, a range of devising pressures that stress their existing structure - soviet union breaking up, uk countries
ethnonationalism defex
people of a country identifying as having one common ethnicity, language, ect, also ethnic nationalism - germany or central europe
federal state defex
where power is shared between the government and its internal regional units - us or germany
irredentism defex
attempts by a state to acquire territories in neighboring states inhabited by people of the same nation,,, when the majority ethnicity on one side of a boundary wants to claim territory from a neighboring state in order to bring in a minority group of the same ethnicity or other commonality who reside accross the border - russia, ukraine, and crimea
multinational state defex
country with many nations (ethnicities and cultures) in its borders - indonesia, afghanistan, nigeria, belgium — russia, us, soviet union
multi-state nation defex
a nation that is in many different states - ottoman empire, czechoslovakia, soviet union, austria-hungary — koreas, kurds
nation def
a cultural entity made up of people who have forced a common identity through a shared language, religion, heritage, or ethnicity
nation state defex
a politically organized and recognized territory made of people who think they are a nation, very isolated - japan, iceland, us
reapportionment defex
redistribution of representative sears among states based on population shifts - house of reps
self determination defex
the right of people to choose their own political status - northern ireland in uk
shatterbelf defex
where states join and break up because of ongoing conflict among parties and because they arecaught between the interests of more powerful outside states - eastern europe
state defex
a politically organized independant territory with a government, defined borders, and a permanant population - a country or like us states
supranational organization defex
an alliance of three or more states that work together in pursuit of common goals or to address an issue or challengs - nato, eu
territoriality defex
attempt to influence or control people and events by delimiting and asserting control over an area, and their connection of people, their culture, and their economic systems to land,,, using space to communicate ownership - italy and san marino and vatican, south africa and eswatini and lesotho
unitary state defex
an organization of a state in which power is concentrated in a central government - china
neocolonialism defex
the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies - former african colonies that depend on outside powers for economy, choke points
defining a boundary
legally state where with natural or laditude and longitude
delimiting a boundary
draw on a map with legal aggreement, us in 1848 with mexico
demarcate a boundary
physical objects like stones, walls, pillars, or fences
administer a boundary
to maintain how goods and people will cross them, rare where cannot cross at all like north korea or schengen area in france germany or sweden
antecendent boundary defex
established before many people settle into an area - us and canada 49th parallel
subsequent boundary defex
drawn in areas that have been settles by people where cultural landscapes already exist or are in the porcess of being established, most common, takes time to establish, related to territoriality - france and germany
consequent boundary defex
type of subsequent boundary, they take into account the cultural landscape differences, seperating groups that have distinct languages, religions, or ethnicities - yugoslavia, india and pakistan
superimposed boundary defex
drawn over existing accepted borders by an outside or conquering force - africa and berlin confrence
geometric boundaries defex
mathmatical and follow lines of latitude or longitude, are straight - colorado, wyoming, utah, north africa
relic boundary defex
former boundaries that once existed but no longer have an official function - east and west germany, border still lingers with different architecture, vietnam, hopefully korea
ways to respond to devolutionary forces
sharing more power with subnational units, sovereignty and self determination, a shift in a states form of governance, breaking up a country into subnational units, disintegration of the state
geographic area where no state has direct power or control
definitional boundary dispute
about the interpretations of the original documents that defined the boundary
locational boundary dispute
about the location of the boundary and the ownership of the land
operational boundary dispute
about how to manage the borders and handle different issues that occur on them
allocational boundary dispute
over the use of whats on or in the boundaries like natural resources
UNCLOS sections
territorial waters (12 miles), contiguous zone (12-24 miles), and exclisive economic zone (24-200 miles)
safe district
area where it is almost impossible for a certain party to win
independent state requires
defined territory boundaries, permanent population, government, sovereignty, and recognition from other states