Unit 7 CNS-Stroke Flashcards
Is alertered mental status and LOC a disease
no, it is a symptom
Ranges of causes for LOC
Relitively benign: Alcohol intoxication
Reversibility: hypoglycemia
Permanent: Stroke
Life-threatening: Menengitis
T: trauma
I: infection
P: psych
P: Poison
S: shock stroke
Vowel of LOC
A: alcohol acidosis
E: Epilepsy
I: insulin
O: Opiates oxygen
U: uremia
Components of Neuro assessment
Cerebral function
Brainstem function
Motor and Cerrebellar funtction
Cerebral Function of Neuro assessment
LOC, mental status, cognitive function, behvaior, speech
Brainstem Function of Neuro assessment
cranial nerve, pupillary exam, eye movement, cough/gag reflex
Motor and cerebellar function of neuro assessment
strength, movement, gait, posture
Sensory function of neuro assessment
tactile and pain sensation
superfocail and deep tendon reflexes
Neuro rechecks
Pupils, glassglow scale, vital signs, limb movement (hand grip, arms, legs)
on the same side of the body as another structure or given point ex. sensation arises from right side adn travels to right
On the opposite side of the body ex. sensation arises from the left and travels to the right
Alert means
awake, oriented, respins appropriately
Lethargic (somnolent) means
drowsy, appripriate but slow/fuzzy thinking
sleeps most of the time, difficult to arouse, confused
Stupor (Semi-Comatose)
Motor response only to vigorious shake or pain grumbles, and moans
Components of the Glassglow scale
Eye opening, Verbal response, Best motor response
Components of eye opening
spontaneous, to speech, pain, none
Compenents of verbal response
orientated, confised conversation, words (inappropriate) sounds (incomprehensible) sounds (Incomprehensive), none
Components of best motor response
obey comands, localise pain, flexion normal or abnormal, extend, none
what indicates a coma
Less than 8 intubate
Typically a pateint who is deteriorating will lose orientation in what order
time, place, and person
When assessing motor response be sure you are assessing
Intracranial causes of change in LOC
Space-occupying lesions, head injury, hemmorhage, seizure, degneration disease, secondary insults
Extracranial causes for change in LOC
Electrolyte imbalance
EndocrineL hypo/hyperglycemia liver or renal dysfunction, hypoxia, hypotension, drugs
Ischemia to a part of the brain means
restricted blood supply
Hemmorrhage into the brain means
acute loss of blood from damage blood vessels
what does ischemia and hemmorgae results in
cell death
Stroke is the blank leading cause of death in canada
The economis impact of stroke in canada is approximately
3.6 dollars
High risks for stroke include
Hypertension, Smoking, obesity, diabetes, Afib
Stroke prevention includes
Keeping Bp control, maintain healthy diet, quit smoking, be physically active
What does FAST stand for
Facail droop, Arms (are they able to raise both of them), Speech (is it slurred), Time (to call 911, when did this begin)