Unit 7 & 8 Flashcards
Political Party
Orginized political group with shared goals that join toegther to run for office and exersise political power.
Political Machine
Orginization who forces voter loyalty with tangible incentives and controls member activity.
Candidate-centered politics
Politics that focus on candidates, rather than issues and party affilication.
Party realignment
Dramatic shift in partisan preference with parties.
Ex.) 1928=USA mostly rep
1932=USA mostly dem.
Ex.) Great depression people favored Dem. because of govt programs.
Critical election
An election that signals party realignment.
Ex.) FDR in Great Depression
Secular realignment
Gradual rearrangement of party coalitions, based on demographic shifts/partisan shifts.
Ex.) Older gen -> younger gen
Origin of political parties in US
Started with Federalists (favored strong central govt), than the Democratic Republicans (favored state govt).
What were Washingtons ideas of political parties?
He believed it would tear apart society and be bad for the govt.
What did Jefferson believe in for political parties?
He believed that his part the Democratic Republicans were temporary in order to beat the Federalists and disliked the idea of political parties.
What are the changes in the republican party over time?
Federalists -> Whigs -> Republicans (wanted abolishment -> strong economy.. etc.)
What are the changes in the democratic party over time?
Democratic Republicans -> Democratic
What are the national levels of the party structure?
1 National Chair
#2 National Committe
#3 National Convention
What are the state levels of the party structure?
4 State Committe/Conventions
#5 District Committes
What are the local levels of the party structure.
6 County Committe
#7 Precint and ward Committe
#8 Activists/Volunteers
#9 Voters
3 things that make political parties
- People who affiliate with party
- Elected officals who affiliate with party
- Party orginization
What is a national commitee?
Direct party for each 4 years and ratifies candiates, carries media campagins, raises money, and gets data.
What are Delegates?
Selected individuals who swear and vote for the canidates in a primary.
Republican platform ideas
No extra money on social programs, equality of oppertunity, people work hard for themselves, support school choice, no religion in gov’t, and issues like LGBTQ+ should be state issues (not fed.).
Democratic Platform
Support social programs, solve inequality, level playing field, support free education, do not want religious activity restricted, LGBTQ+ should be a fed issue.
What is a linkage institution?
An institution that links the people to gov’t to initiate active on the behalf of the people.
What is polarization?
A divisio of views in gov’t.
Causes of polarization
Media, Beliefs, part sterotypes, wedge issues, red and blue states.
Consequences of polarization.
Congress is not productive with hig division (cant comprimise), lack of participation.
What is a primary?
Election of chosing which canidates will represent a party in the general election.
Closed primary
Only can vote in primary if registered with party
Semi-closed primary
same as closed, but independents can vote
Open primary
registered voters can vote any party for primary despite registration
Cross-over voting
when a voter casts a vote not for a party which they do not affiliate with