Midterm Vocab Flashcards
A form a gov’t where power is invested in kings a queens who govern intrest of all
A form of gov’t where power resides in a leader who rules by self-intrest without regard for personal rights and liberties
A form of gov’t that gives teh right to participate by weath, status, military posistion or achievement
A system of gov’t that gives power to the people
Direct Democracy
A system of democracy which members of the polity and vote with majority rules
Indirect Democracy
A system of democracy which members vote on representitives who work on their behalf
A gov’t rooted in the consent on representives or indirect democracy
Political Culture
Commonly shared attitudes or beliefs/values about how government should be run
Personal Liberty
Freedom from the government interference -> Has changed from freedom FROM to Freedom TO
Political Equality
A principle that all citizens are the same in the eyes of the law
Popular Consent
A principle that the gov’t draws their powers from the consent of the people
Popular Sovereignty
A notion that the ultimate authority in society rests with the people
Political Ideology
Ideas of how government should be run believed by certian groups of people
5 Functions of US Government
- Establishing Justice
- Ensuring Domestic Tranquility
- Providing for the Common Defense
- Promoting the General Welfare
- Securing the Blessings of Liberty
The belief that ruler or instituion of gov’t has right to govern
Virgina Plan
Proposed to create a strong central gov’t with 3 branches
New Jersey Plan
Proposed to strengthen the AOC, make house only 1 vote to make smaller states equal, give congress right to raise revenue, and create SC members appointed by life
The Great Compromise
Created a two house legislature with lower house elected by the people and powers divided by two houses. Gave HOR rep. by population and Senate equal rep. (also called Conneticat Comprimse)
3/5 Compromise
Each slave would count as 3/5 of a person for determining the population in the HOR
Seperation of Powers
Division of power in gov’t among the 3 branches with equality ensured by the constitution
Checks and Balances
Constitutionally gives each of the 3 branches some control over the actions of the branches
Federal System
Shared powers between states and federal governments
Commerce Clause (A and S)
Article 1 Section 8, National gov’t has the right to intervene with states dispites it it involves innerstate commerce
A group with simular intrests
Leg. checks on Exec.
-Regect legislation by President
-Refuse Treaties
-Overrise presidental veto
Exec. checks on Leg.
-Call congres
-Impliment laws
Jud. checks on Exec.
-Delcare acts unconstitutional
-Preside over impeachment trials
Exec. checks on Jud.
-Appoint Judges
-Refuse to impliment decisons
Jud. checks on Leg.
-Rule federal and states laws unconstituional
Leg. checks on Jud.
-change # of juristiction
-Impeach judges
-Propse constitutional amendments to overide jud. decisions
Valence Issues
Issues viewed the same way by both parties
Amendment Proccess
1st Step.) 2/3 vote by both houses or national convention of state legislatures 2/3 vote
2nd Step.) 3/4 vote of state legislatures or constitutional convention 3/4 vote
Political Machine
Orginization who forces voter loyalty with tangible incentives and controls member activity.
Party Realignment
Dramatic shift in partisan preference with parties
Ex.) Great Dpression, favoring government programs
Critical Election
Election that shows party realignment
Ex.) FDR in Great Depression