Unit 7 Flashcards
The first stage in the functioning of the senses, starting with information at the peripheral sensory receptors
The process of recognizing, organizing, and interpreting sensory information
Sensory receptor
may be a specialized structure at the end of a peripheral neuron or a separate cell that communicates with an afferent neuron by means of a chemical synapse.
Afferent neuron
Afferent neuron is taking info from the sensory receptor into the cortex
Receptor specialization
may be part of afferent sensory neuron or may be a separate, specialized cell adjacent to afferent sensory neuron.
Sensory unit
is defined as a single nerve axon and all the sensory receptors which transmit information to it.
Primary afferent and the receptors that define its receptive field
Receptive field
is the spatial region where application of a stimulus causes a sensory neuron to respond. Receptive fields can overlap, and the definition also applies to higher order neurons, as well as to primary afferents. No differentiation of information occurs within the receptive field.
Sensory receptive field: spatial resolution
Receptor fields are like pixels, the more receptor fields equal more detail
Smaller RFs tiling an area = higher spatial resolution
is the ability to perceive two or more stimuli as separate. High discrimination implies a low ratio of receptors to nerve fibers: the sensory unit is small and the receptive field is small. High discrimination, however, usually carries the penalty of low sensitivity unless the receptor density is very high.
is the ability to measure small changes in stimulus intensity: for this purpose a high ratio of receptors to nerve fibers is preferable. The intensity of stimulus is coded by single receptors but the more receptors there are involved the more effectively changes in intensity can be detected. The bigger the stimulus, the more receptors will be stimulated. Size of receptor field and density of receptor distribution are both important factors in sensitivity of a sensory unit.
is the conversion of one form of energy into another. Sensory transduction converts the energy of the stimulus into a receptor or generator potential. Transduction couples stimulus detection (i.e., activation of a receptor protein) to the opening or closing of an ion channel. The type of receptor proteins, and how they are coupled to ion channels, is different in each sensory system: e.g., compare the transduction channels in somatosensation (mechanical) to the vision (light-based).
Transduction channels are often non selective
Typically results in the transduction current being carried by Na+, but can be by other ions
Transduction in Sensory system
The conversion of stimulus energy into electrical potentials in neurons
Unique physiological process that is common to all sensory systems
Multi step process
Stimulus > accessory structures
Receptor: conformational change in transducer protein
2nd messenger systems
ion channel activation/inactivation (conductance change)
Receptor potential
Neurotransmitter release
Action potential in primary afferent neuron
Graded response
the amplitude of the receptor potential is proportional to the size of the stimulus: the larger the stimulus, the larger the graded response at the receptor. A graded response can be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing.
Stimulus energy
A stimulus is an energy change (e.g., light, sound) which is registered by the senses (e.g., vision, hearing, taste, etc.) and constitutes the basis for perception. The term ‘stimulus energy’ refers to the type of environmental change (e.g., light, sound, mechanical pressure, etc.).
Stimulus intensity
The minimun intensity of a stimulus that is required to produce a response from a sensory system
Can be defined in terms of
Receptor threshold
AP threshold
Perception threshold
The adequate stimulus will produce the response with the lowest threshold
Stimulus duration
For most receptors, a supra-threshold stimulus depolarizes the receptor membrane which leads to AP generation in the primary afferent neuron
However the typical response to a constant stimulus is not constant with time
The CNS is generally much more interested in changing stimuli than static ones
The process is called adaption
Stimulus duration: receptor adaptation
Very few receptors exhibit no change in receptor potential in response to a constant stimuli (otoliths)
If the change in receptor potential occurs slowly, the response is called tonic (olfactory sys)
If it occurs rapidly it is called phasic (auditory sys)
Different from the concept of selective attention which is a CNS process
Stimulus modality Specificity
means that receptors respond to one form of energy more than any other, and that receptors respond to only a narrow range of stimulus energy. The principle of specificity does NOT mean that a receptor cannot respond to other forms of energy (e.g., photoreceptors responding to intense pressure). However, due to the segregation of sensory pathways (think of the organization of sensory cortices, with each system in a different physical location), any stimulus is perceived as if it was the adequate stimulus (e.g., pressure on photoreceptors is perceived as “seeing stars”).
Stimulus modality adequate stimulus
The type of energy that a receptor responds to under normal conditions (ie. the type of energy that has the lowest threshold for receptor activation and size)
This pathway-specific segregation of sensory information is termed the “labelled line” theroy of modality coding
transduce light energy to neural signals. Absorption of photon changes protein channel configuration to open ion channel. Photoreceptors are found in humans primarily in the retina, for vision and circadian rhythms via pineal gland.
transduce chemical energy/info to neural signals. A chemical in the environment acts as ligand to open the receptor’s ion channel. Chemoreceptors are found in olfaction, taste, GI tract, breathing control.
transduce mechanical energy/distortion into neural signals. They are frequently specialized receptors, including somatosensory receptors; auditory and vestibular hair cells; and internal receptors in ligaments (bone-to-bone connective tissue). Free nerve endings involved in pain sensation (nociception) may also contain less specialized mechanoreceptors.
Vestibular hair cells
Very similar to hair cells in auditory system
High concentration of K+ in endolymph
K+ in Ca++ in, NT released
But they have spontaneous firing in absence of input, so when there is no rotation, hair cells release a base rate of NT
Bend cilia one way and more/less NT is released
Mechanotransduction: hair cells
Transduction in hair cells is K+ based
When cilia are bent K+ gates are pulled open and K+ enters, changing the polarity opening Ca++ gate
Ca++ enters and NT exists (graded response)
transduce pain info from chemical, mechanical, and/or thermal damage into neural signals. Nociceptors can be unimodal (only be activated by one stimulus) or polymodal/multimodal; that is, they can have more than one adequate stimulus. Most nociceptors respond to heat and cold, mechanical stimuli, and chemicals associated with tissue damage or disease (both external and internal). Polymodal nociceptors are more commonly known as unmyelinated free nerve endings. They also may be silent; that is, they are dormant until tissue damage or disease activates their sensitivity.
transduce thermal energy (temperature info) into neural signals. codes absolute and relative changes in temperature, primarily within the innocuous range. In the mammalian peripheral nervous system, warmth receptors are thought to be unmyelinated C-fibers (low conduction velocity), while those responding to cold have both C-fibers and thinly myelinated A delta fibers (faster conduction velocity). The adequate stimulus for a warm receptor is warming, which results in an increase in their action potential discharge rate. Cooling results in a decrease in warm receptor discharge rate. For cold receptors their firing rate increases during cooling and decreases during warming. Some cold receptors also respond with a brief action potential discharge to high temperatures, i.e. typically above 45 °C, and this is known as a paradoxical response to heat. It causes us to perceive the cold object as hot. The mechanism responsible for this behavior has not been determined. Certain chemicals can also act as ligands that bind thermoreceptors, and therefore can be perceived as hot or cold (e.g., capsaicin/chili powder can fill hot).
Receptor threshold
is the intensity of the stimulus that will drive a change in receptor potential
Action potential threshold
is the intensity of the stimulus with will drive changes in enough receptor potentials to cause an action potential to fire in the afferent neuron
Perception threshold
is the intensity of the stimulus that will produce a conscious perception – also relies on higher-order aspects like attention
is the maximum intensity of a stimulus that produces a response from a sensory system.
Dynamic Range
is the range of intensities that will produce a response from a receptor or sensory system (i.e., the difference between threshold and saturation). Even within a modality, individual receptors will have different thresholds and dynamic ranges. As a result, the sensory system as a whole will have a wider dynamic range than an individual receptor.
Frequency coding
is the encoding of stimulus intensity by the frequency of action potentials induced by the stimulus.
Population coding
is the encoding of stimulus intensity by the number of receptors activated by the stimulus.
Stimulation of a single sensory unit is dependent on how many parts in the cell are being activated (more=stronger stim)
Stimulation of multiple sensory units (How many neighboring cells are being activated)
Sensory adaptation
is a phenomenon that occurs when the sensory receptors become exposed to stimuli for a prolonged period. Most receptors decrease their ability to respond and will develop a diminished sensitivity to the stimulus. A few types of stimuli, like pain, may cause the sensory receptors to become more sensitive to the stimulus with a prolonged response.
tonic response
is a change in receptor potential that occurs slowly.
Slowly adapting fibers (SA) – fire continuously as long as pressure is applied (e.g., found in somatosensory Merkel and Ruffini receptors). Code for stimulus intensity over the duration of the stimulus.
phasic response
is a change in receptor potential that occurs rapidly.
Rapidly adapting fibers (RA) – fire at onset and offset of stimulation (e.g., found in somatosensory Meissner receptors and Pacinian corpuscles). Code for stimulus onset and offset.
Stimulus location: is the ability to precisely localize a stimulus. Acuity is increased with smaller receptive field sizes and increased density of receptors within the region of the stimulus. Receptors generally are concentrated in the center of the receptive field.
is a pattern of connectivity in which information from multiple neurons (typically at one level of processing, like the photoreceptors) joins together in their inputs onto a single neuron (typically at the next level of processing, like the retinal ganglion cells). Convergence creates larger receptive fields in this way. The larger receptive field of the second, single neuron encompasses all the receptive fields of the input neurons at the first level. As no differentiation of information can occur within a receptive field, there is no way to separate out the information from the first group of neurons once it all is combined at the second neuron. Cones have low convergence, rods have high convergence.
Two point discrimination
The ability to perceive two fine points as two points and not one
is a pattern of connectivity in which information from one neuron is divided into multiple neural pathways. This is a mechanism for spreading the same stimulation to multiple neurons or neuronal pools in the CNS, and is seen in such regions as the spreading of information from primary visual cortex (V1) to various distinct higher-order visual pathways (e.g., visual motion, visual form, color).
Labeled line
is a specific pathway that transmits information about a specific sensory modality. Stimulation of a labeled line only produces a sensation of its primary sensory modality no matter what type of stimulus energy produces the action potentials. Pathways for different modalities terminate on different places of the cerebral cortex, and thus lead to different types of perception based on their different cortical connectivity patterns. Such a pathway begins with a sensory unit.
First-, second-, and third-order neurons
The afferent neuron in a sensory pathway is the first order neuron. It synapses with a second order neuron (either in the spinal cord or brain stem, depending on the specific somatosensory tract: tactile vs. pain/temperature), which in turn synapses with a third order neuron in the thalamus. The third order neuron guides the impulse to primary sensory cortex (S1), and then on to create conscious perception.
The back of the eyeball, considered a part of the brain, where light hits the photoreceptive cells and visual information begins being processed.
the part of the retina, where vision is most acute and color vision is best. Cone photoreceptors are most prevalent here.
Photoreceptor cells
Cells that line the back of the retina and have parts that change shape when they are hit with a photon, allowing them to detect light in a certain part of the visual field. Humans have two main types, rods and cones, and there are three different subtypes of cones. Photoreceptor cells are composed of an outer segment, which has stacked cell membranes that contain the photoreceptor proteins, and a cell body at the base
Photoreceptor cells that are located outside the fovea. They are responsible for low-light vision (highly sensitive to light) and useful for detecting movement, but at the cost of visual acuity. They do not differentiate between colors.
Photoreceptor cells that are located primarily in the fovea. They are responsible for high acuity vision, but take more photons of light to activate (good for daytime vision). There are three types, each most responsive to different wavelengths of light (corresponding to red, green, and blue), which, when combined, allow for color vision.
Rods vs cones similarities
Same layer in retina
Molecules of photo pigment embedded in outer segments
Outer segments embedded in pigment epithelium
Graded potentials
Release inhibitory NT
Photoreceptor proteins
light-sensitive protein molecules involved in the sensing and response to light in a variety of organisms by undergoing a structural change when they absorb light. This structural change opens ion channels, which causes a change in the graded potential (ion flow) of the photoreceptor (in other words, causes the photoreceptor cell to signal that light has been detected).
Rods and Cones differences
Rods have 1 type of photopigment, cones have 3
Rods don’t code for color, cones do
Rods are excellent for motion detection, cones are poor for motion detection
Rods have poor acuity, cones have excellent acuity (high resolution vision)
Rods have high sensitivity (operate in dim light), cones have low sensitivity (require bright light)
a type of photosensitive pigment proteins found in photoreceptors: e.g., rhodopsin in rods and photopsin in cones (3 types are in cones, making up the L,M, and S cone types), and melanopsin in the melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cells (also called intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells – see below).
Light absorption by an opsin molecule causes protein structure change
If the eyes are stabilized, photoreceptors and retinal ganglion cells become desensitized/adapt to the current stimulus