Unit 6.5-6.6 Flashcards
Leaders still had to fight _____, _____, and _______
liberalism, nationalism, and romanticism
Napoleon was defeated in ______ at the Battle of _______
Key part of promoting stability in Europe
creating a balance of power
2 areas that became independent
Who was Greece controlled by in the 15th century
the Ottoman Empire
Who helped Greece defeat the Ottomans
Great Britain
Main problem with Austria
it is a multi - ethnic empire.
Who does Austria have the biggest problem with
Northern Italy was controlled by
Longest railroad
Trans - Siberian Railroad
In 1905 Russia lost a war against
Results of the war against Russia and Japan
The Revolution of 1905
Problem with duma
Tsar can veto anything it does
Result of harsher government policies
Some people emigrated going to Great Britain and the United States
2 areas revolutionary movements nationalists leader and nationalist commands
Balance of power
What were the revolutionists of 1848 influenced by?
Economic hardship
Political discontent
What country controlled most of Poland?
After Napoleon, the ________ Dynasty was placed back on the throne as a limited monarchy
Austria becomes known as
Austria - Hungary Empire
Alexander I
Educational and judicial reforms
Defeated Napoleon
Nicholas I
Brother of Alexander
Decembrist Revolt
Crimean War
Alexander II
Ended Crimean War
Abolished serfdom
Alexander III
Less reforms
Trans - Siberian Railroad
Nicholas II
Revolution 1905
October Manifesto
Russian Revolution 1917
Edmund Burke
Father of British conservatism
Agreed with the idea of social contract
Supported the idea os a limited monarchy who should obey the laws
Did not believe that people were capable of governing themselves
Lived through the English Civil War
Joseph de Maistre
French politician
Believed that political authority should be based on religious and moral teachings
Supported a return to monarchy a strong Christian leader could maintain social order in France
Klemens von Metternich
Austrian minster of Foreign affairs
Congress of Vienna
Met after the defeat of Napoleon
Concert of Europe
An informal agreement by leaders to restore legitimacy and a balance of power
Carlsbad Decrees
It was designed to suppress liberal and nationalist ideas
They banned nationalist organizations, expanded press censorship, and disbanded radical student organizations
July Revolution
Also known as the French Revolution of 1830
Did not create a republic but moved France from autocratic rule to constitutional monarchy
William I
Leader in Netherlands
Politically conservative
He censored the press and eventually Belgium rebelled and gained independence.
Tsar Nicholas I
Ruled Russia in 1825
Decembrist Revolt
A group of officers did not want Nicholas I and tried to overthrow him and establish a representative government.
Charles X
King of France
Abdicated and fled to England.
Louis - Philippe
Took the throne and ruled as a constitutional monarch
Granted civil liberties
Doubled the number of French men that could vote
February Revolution
Failed because of class division.
Louis-Napoleon/Napoleon III
In 1852 he declared himself Emperor
Re established an authoritarian government in France
Frederick William IV
Use force to respond ending the demonstrations
Promised to create a constitutional monarch.
Main ethnic group in Hungary
Francis Joseph
Established a “dual monarchy” which established the state known as Austria-Hungary
Sergei Witte
Finance minister
Modernized Russia’s economy
Occurred after Russia was defeated
End of Revolution
October Manifesto
Gave Russians the right to citizenship
Freedom of speech and universal suffrage for men and created a legislative body
An elected council, was created to address local issues, but this did not create social equality since nobles controlled them.