Unit 6.2 - Global Energy Consumption Flashcards
Develpoed vs developing countries
- developed nations use more energy on a per capita basis, but developed nations use more energy in total
- the average US resident uses 5x as much energy as other nations
- Developing nations are still industrializing and population is still growing rapidly
- it will also increase on a per/person basis as their economies industrialize andr esidents achieve higher stndards of living
Fossil Fuels: Most used energy source
- fossil fuels are by far the most common fuel source globally
- oil -> gasoline = main fuel for vehicles
- coal = main fuel for electricty generation
- natural gas = secondary fuel for electricity generation and main fuel for heating - hydroelectricity energy are second largest source
- water spins a turbine which generates electricity - Nuclear is the third largest source
- uranium fission releases hear to turn water into steam to turn a turbine to generate electricity
Development Increases Fossil Fuel Consumption
- many residents of less developedc nations depend on subsistence fuels - biomass that they can eaisly be gathered/purchased
- economic development -> affluence (wealth) -> higher per capita GDP -> energy use
- As developing nations develop, fossil fuel consumption will increase
- oil-> gasoline for vehicles
- coal and naturl gas -> electricity
- electricity demand for homes and manufacturing
Facotrs that affect energy source use
- availability - fossil fuel use depends on discovered reserves and accessibility of these reserves
- use of fossil fuels varies heavilu with availability - Price - fossil suel prices fluctuate dramatically with discovery of new reserves or depletion of existing ones
- frackign opens new natural gas reserves, increasing availability, decreasing price, increasing use
Factors that affect energy source use
- government regulation - government can mandate certain energy source mixes
- government cannot directly raise or lower prices of energy sources
- government can use:
- taxes increases to discourage companies from building fossil fuel power plants
- rabtes or tax credits to ecourage companies building renewable energy power plants