Unit 6.13 - Energy Conservation Flashcards
Small Scale vs Large scale Energy Conservation
Small Scale:
- lowring thermostat to use less heat or use AC less often
- COnserving water with native plants instead of grass, low flow shower heads, efficient toilets, dishwashers, dryers
- Energy efficient appliances, better insulation to keep more heat in home
Large scale:
- improving fuel efficiency (fuel economy) standards
- Subsiding (tax creditsfor) electric vehicles, charging stations, and hybrids
- Increased public transport, green building design
Sustainabble home design
- Ways to either blockout or take advantage of sun’s natural heat, or keep in heating/cooling to decrease energy required
- deciduous shade trees for landscaping (leaves block sun in summer, but allow it in during winter)
- Using passive solar design concets to trap sun’s heat and decrease energy from heating system (heat absorbing walls, triple or double paned windows)
- well-insulated walls/attic to trap heat inw inter and cool air from AC system in summer
- this decreases electricity used by AC unit and energy used by heating system
Water Conservation
- Native plants require less watering than traditional lawns (also oncrease biodiversity of pollinators and require less fertilizer)
- Low-flow showers, toilets, and dishwashers do the same job with less total water (less energy to purify and pump to homes)
- Rain barrels allow rain water to be used for watering plants or washing cars
Energy Conservation - Transportation
- about 28% of total US energy use comes from transport of goods and people
- improving fuel economy of US fleet of vehicles conserves energy as less gasoline/desel is needed to travel same distance
- CAFE (Corporate Average Fel Economy) standards are regulations set in US to require auto manufacturers to make cars that meet certain MPG standards, or pay penalties - Hybrids (prius) have both gasoline and electric engine, enabling them to have higher MPG ratings
- braking system charges the electric batter, which powers electric motor - Electric vehicles (EVs or BEVs) like Tesla or LEAF use no gasoline, but still require electricity (0nly sustainable as electricity source)
- Public transit and carpooling are even better energy-saving transport options
SustainableBuilding Design
- Decreasing the amount of energy required to build larger buidings and heat/cool them
- Green roof or walls can decrease runoff, and absorb sun’s heat, decreasing energy needed for cooling building and surrounding areas (lessens heat island effect)
- Sun lights on roof, or windows on sides can decrease electricity used for lighting
- Recycled materials can reduce energy required to produce new ones (glass, wood, even fly ash from coal can be used in foundation)
Managing Peak Demand and Smart Grid Technology
- Peak demand is the time of day or year (often early night time hours or very hot weather events) that electricity demand is highest
- if demand exceeds supply, rolling blackouts occur
- to manage peak demand, some utilities use a variable price model for electricity
- users pay a higher rate during peak demand hours or events, to discourage use
- users pay a lower rate/kWh when using a lower amount of energy (incentives lower overall use) - Smart grid is just the idea of managinf demand and energy sourcesi n a more varied way
- Ex:using smart metersf or variable price models, allowing rooftop solar to direct electricity back to grid, integrating more total energy sources(expecially renewable)