Unit 6: Political Parties Flashcards
How has voting in the South changed since the 1960s?
Democrats to Republican
Name 2 ways US parties are and are not united
Are: United in votes - 2018 91% of Republican and 81% of Democrat votes stuck with party; Cohesive on controversial issues e.g abortion
Are not: Bipartisan votes, Trump divide
Name 3 factions of the Republican party
Fiscal conservatives
Social conservatives
Tuesday group (moderates)
Name 3 factions of the Democrat party
Liberal activists
New democrat coalition (fiscally more right)
Blue Dog coalition (moderate)
Name an example of the two party system being prevalent in the US
No 3rd party candidate has won any EC votes since 1968
Name 2 ways the US has a 50 party system
Parties are decentralised with no national leader
All elections are state based
Name 3 reasons US third parties are limited
Electoral system
Lack of resources
Lack of media coverage
Name 3 ways 3rd parties can be significant with an example for each
Policies can be adopted by R/d - Ross Perot reducing budget deficit
Can affect election outcome e.g Bush/al gore
Local 3rd parties e.g alaska independence party
Name 3 similar policies from republicans and conservatives
Lower taxes
Strong military
Strong nation state
Name 3 similar policies from the Democrats and Labour
Reduce inequality
Better public services
Name 2 ways parties are in decline in the US
Campaigns based on candidate
Americans more likely to join movements e.g occupy rather than a traditional party
Name 3 way parties are being renewed in the US
Increased partisanship
2020 saw least split ticket voting in decades
National campaigns show inter-party unity