Unit 6 Notes Flashcards
What type of lake develops behind a moraine?
A pro glacial lake
How many deaths were caused globally from GLOF’s?
What are the most affected regions by GLOF’s?
Central Asia, South America, European Alps, Iceland.
What are the causes of GLOF’s?
Triggers of wave generation, Dam failure.
What are the triggers of wave generation?
Contact glacier calving, icefall from hanging glaciers, rock, ice, snow avalanches, rapid input of meltwater, seismic activity.
What are the conditioning factors for dam failure?
Large lake volume, low point in dan wall, melting of buried ice, seismic activity.
What are the stages of a GLOF?
Formation of displacement waves in the lake, dam failure, resultant flood wave down valley.
What is contact glacier calving?
Large blocks of ice fall into a lake, displacing a large volume of water.
What is icefall from hanging glaciers?
The impact from rock hitting water generates a ripple effect, creating waves.
What is seismic activity?
When the ground shakes, sediment falls off, generating waves, moving water.
What are the dam failure causes of GLOF’s?
Rapid input of meltwater, large lake volume, melting of buried ice in the moraine structure, seismic activity.
What does rapid input of meltwater cause?
The lake will overflow, leading to dam failure, as more pressure is put on it.
What does large lake volume?
Easier for water to move over dam, weakening it.
What does melting of ice in the moraine structure cause?
If ice melts, as it’s holding sediment together, it will weaken, allowing water to push over the dam.
What happens as temperatures increase?
If ice which holds material together melts, dams are more likely to topple over. Flooding becomes more hazardous and severe, as there is more water, and they’re going to become more frequent. All trigger mechanisms except seismic activity increase due to climate change.
What is the case study for glof’s?
Bhutan - Lake thorthormi.
What is the profile of Lake Thorthormi?
Covers an area of 3.42km. If there was a glof, 53 million metres of water would be released, 117 buildings, 362 people, 16 monuments, 5.22km of road would be affected. Three major hydro power projects could be destroyed.
Why is Lake Thorthormi a potential threat to society?
It’s made up of supraglacial lakes, which have become interconnected.
What has glacial meltwater in the area done for locals?
Provided jobs for 350 workers, who drain water, improving local enterprise development.
What were the socio economic impacts of the 1994 Lugge Tsho GLOF?
91 households were affected, 12 houses were damaged, 816 acres of dry land were damaged, 24 people died.
Which strategy did the government use to manage the GLOF?
Lake lowering - the aim is to enhance adaptive capacity, to prevent climate change.
What are the benefits of lake lowering?
Provides drinking water, irrigation systems, hydroelectric power.
What have the challenges been of lake lowering?
The air is thinner, meaning it’s harder to ignite, creating pressure.
What have the effects of lake lowering been?
Water volume has reduced by 3.63 metres, which was below the target of 5 metres, but the lake avoided predictions of a GLOF in 2010.