Unit 2 Notes Flashcards
What is the Crysosphere?
The parts of the earth’s crust and atmosphere that are below 0 degrees for at least part of each year.
What parts of a glaciers does climate control?
The annual temperature cycle of a region, the amount of precipitation that falls as snow.
How does topography control a glacier?
Provides the land surface for a glacier, and dimensions.
What is an unconstrained ice mass?
Ice masses which have a morphology and flow pattern which is independent of underlying topography.
What is a constrained ice mass?
Ice masses which have a morphology which is dependent on underlying topography
What is an ice sheet?
An ice mass of complete submergence of regional topography. Over 50,000 km.
Are ice sheets constrained on unconstrained?
Unconstrained. e.g. Greenland, Antarctica.
What is an ice cap?
Occupies upland areas, a smaller version of an ice sheet. Smaller than 50,000 km.
Are ice caps constrained or unconstrained?
Unconstrained. e.g. Jostedal glacier, Norway.
What is an ice field?
Ice covering an upland area, not thick enough to bury underlying topography. 10 - 10,000 km.
Are ice fields constrained or unconstrained?
Constrained. e.g. Columbia glacier, Canada.
What is a valley glacier?
A glacier confined between valley walls, terminating in a narrow tongue. 3 - 1500 km.
Are valley glaciers constrained or unconstrained?
What is a piedmont glacier?
Valley glacier that extends beyond the end of a mountain valley into a flatter area. 3 - 1000 km.
Are piedmont glaciers constrained or unconstrained?
What are cirque glaciers?
Smaller glaciers occupying a hollow on the mountain side carving as a corrie or cirque. 0.5 - 8km.
Are cirque glaciers constrained or unconstrained?
What is an ice shelf?
A large area of floating glacier ice extending from the coast, where several glaciers have reached the sea. 10 - 100,000 km.
Are ice shelves constrained or unconstrained?
How does thermal regime affect glacial movement?
Creates two different types of glaciers.
What are the characteristics of cold based glaciers?
High latitude locations, Average ice temperature well below 0 degrees, Glaciers up to 500m thick, Permanently frozen to bedrock.
What are the characteristics of warm based glaciers?
Found outside of polar regions, Temperature fluctuates above and below melting point, increased pressure of overlying ice.
What is the pressure melting point?
The temperature below 0 degrees at which ice can melt due to pressure of glacial ice.
What is the normal melting point of ice?
0 degrees.