unit 6: medical practitioner 2 Flashcards
meaning of staff?
anybody who is working in any type of working place including medical place
what are the 4 main groups of medical staff in British hospital?
- PRHO (pre-registration house officer) : can be staff/student
- SHO (senior house officer)
- SpR (specialist registrar)
- Consultant: MSD + position as a director of clinic or hospital
who is SpR?
a doctor who has completed the foundation program & is training in one of the medical specialties
who is SHO?
(senior house officer) is a doctor who is in the second year of postgraduate training
meaning of discharge?
to leave the patient out of the ward officially
meaning of new admission?
a patient who has just admitted to the ward
how many hour does a junior doctor work a day?
what is a bleeper/radio pager?
a device which makes noice when s.o is trying to contact you
non-training registrar?
a doctor who has completed his/her training but doesn’t wish to specialized yet
associate specialist?
a senior doctor who doesn’t wish to become a consultant
what is rota?
a list of GP which consists of name & contact numbers
XR stands for?
SOP stands for?
surgical out-patients
SOBOE stands for?
short of breath on exertion
SN stands for?
student nurse
Rx stands for?
take (in prescriptions
treatment (in case notes)
RI stands for?
respiratory infection
RA stands for?
rheumatoid arthritis, right atrium
PU stands for?
passed urine, peptic ulcer
PO2 stands for?
pressure of oxygen
PLAB stands for?
professional and linguistic assessments board
Pl. stands for?
CXR stands for?
chest x-ray
NPH stands for?
national pediatric hospital
FY1 stands for?
foundation year 1
FY2 stands for?
foundation year 2
GMC stands for?
general medical council
OT stands for?
operating theatre, occupational therapist
OPD stands for?
outpatient department