UNIT 6 means inference Flashcards
What are the conditions that have to be met in order to use a normal model for the distribution of sample proportions? (sampling distribution of proportions).. (the distribution of p-hats)..
- Random and independent
- Not too large, less than 10% of population, so 10n>N
- Success/Failure: np>10 and nq>10 (must show calculation)
This lets us use the normal model. Too large samples have sampling distributions that are leptokurtic (narrower and taller than normal model), too small samples have skewed or other shaped sampling disributions.
What are the conditions that have to be met in order to use a t-model for the distribution of sample means? (sampling distribution of means).. (the distribution of x-bars)..
- Random and independence
- Not too large, less than 10% of population, so 10n>N
- Not too small, n>30.
OR WITH SMALL SAMPLE as long as it came from a normalish population
What is a 2 sample t interval?
Suppose you were trying to find the difference between the IQ of math teachers and IQ of English teachers. You sample 50 of each and find math xbar= 125 and English xbar=115. So, the difference of the samples is 10 points. That is your statistic. 10 points. You now have to add on a margin of error, let’s say.. 4. so, youll say something like “I’m 90 % confident that math teachers score between 6 and 14 points higher on IQ tests.”
How do you POOL with PROPORTIONS?
You combine the two samples into one big sample.
What are null and alternative for paired tests?
Ho: Md = 0,
Ha: Md > 0.
One sample procedures on list 3.
Do alpha and beta work with means?
Yep, alpha, beta, power, type 1, type 2 all go along with means and proportions
Do you pool with means (t test)?
you don’t have to do it. Only have to pool with hyp tests for props. Pooling with means is a nasty process, if you think the populations have similar variances, then have your calculator pool for you.
how are 2 samp t and paired t different?
2 samp t you are loooking at a difference between 2 averages from 2 distinct sample. With a paired test you make a SINGLE LIST OF DIFFERENCES from each pair, you then look at the AVERAGE DIFFERENCE, the average of a bunch of differences (generally 2 measurements on just ONE sample).
Simple quick way to describe difference between paired T and 2 sample T.
Paired T looks at average of differences,
2 sample T looks at the difference of averages.
Where did Bill Gossett work?
What did Bill Gossett Do?
He sat on the Normal model and made some tea.
(Tmodel looks like someone sat on the normal model)
how are t models like Normal models?
both are unimodal and symmetric. T models aren’t as high and have more area in tails, that’s why you have to reach out a little further than z for same confidence, or be a little further away for significance. Bill sat on the normal model.
how can you decide the right test?
What are the 3 questions?
1 or 2 samples?
Proportions (z) or Means (t)? (categories or numbers?)
Test or Interval?
how do you check nearly normal for small samples?
Histogram on calculator of the sample,
or normal prob plot on calculator (is it diagonal?), .
or Boxplot (is it symmetric?)
how do you find deg freedom?
n-1 for one sample
2 samples you must use calculator..
How do you find degrees of freedom for 2 sample mean stuff?
How do you calculate SAMPLE SIZE with proportions?
n = Z2pq / ME2
How do you calcuate SAMPLE SIZE with means?
n= (t*s/n)2
ForfFirst calculation, use Z crit.. Then go through and calculate n.. Use that n for a t crit and do it again. Takes a couple cycles to settle down.
What is the quick sample size calculation for proportions?
1 / ME2