EOY unit 5, 6 and 7 mixed Flashcards
How do you find df in 2 samples?
EASY WAY: smaller sample size minus one.this is a conservative guessor the hard wayyou have to run an interval or a test on your TI and read the output (unless you want to use the equation?.)
How can you decrease alpha and beta at the same time?
increase sample size. this will also increase power
What if you want more cofidence with same size interval?
increase your sample size
For the following output for the association between test score and amount of time studied, What is the “5.82?”
OUTPUT: n=75 dep var: test score
VAR coeff se coeff t stat p
intercept 45.3 4.3 10.53 0.000
study time 5.82 2.66 2.189 0.0318
r-square: 77.5 S=7.7
That is the slope.
how are 2 samp t and paired t different?
2 samp t you are loooking at a difference between 2 averages from 2 distinct sample. With a paired test you make a SINGLE LIST OF DIFFERENCES (L3) from each pair, you then look at the AVERAGE DIFFERENCE, the average of a bunch of differences(generally 2 measurements on just ONE sample).
How do you POOL with PROPORTIONS?
You combine the two samples into one big sample?TOTAL # RED BEADS / OVERALL TOTAL OF ALL BEADS
What is statistical inference?
Using a statistic to infer something about a parameter.. Basically, using a sample to say something about a population.
what happens to t models as n gets larger?
The models look more like the normal model. An infinite sample size would turn a t model into the normal model.
For the following output for the association between test score and amount of time studied, Create and interpret a 95% confidence interval for slope. OUTPUT: n=75 dep var: test score VAR coeff se coeff t stat p intercept 45.3 4.3 10.53 0.000 study time 5.82 2.66 2.189 0.0318 r-square: 77.5 S=7.7
STAT +- CRIT (SE) 5.82 +- CRIT (2.66) crit is just INVT(.025, 73) df is n-2 for regression
What is alpha?
It is the rejection threshold. You reject p-values below it.. It is how willing you are to make a Type 1 error. alpa=P(Type I error)
For the following output for the association between test score and amount of time studied, interpret the S in context.
OUTPUT: n=75 dep var: test score
VAR coeff se coeff t stat p
intercept 45.3 4.3 10.53 0.000
study time 5.82 2.66 2.189 0.0318
r-square: 77.5 S=7.7
S is the standard deviation of the residual, or the typical residual. It is how far off we expect our actual data value to be from the model (from the predicted value). In context: We can expect our actual test score to be about 7.7 points off from the test score predicted by our model, based on the amount of time we studied.
What are the mean and standard deviation of a sampling distribution for a mean?
mean is mu and standard deviation is sigma/root n (look at formula sheet) N(mu, sigma/rootn)
How do you calculate SAMPLE SIZE with proportions?
n = Z2 pq / ME2
what does 95% confidence mean when we make an interval?
It means if we took a ton of samples, and made confidence intervals from each of them, ABOUT 95% of the intervals would contain the parameter, 5% would not.
What is a confidence interval?
it is a parameter catcher.. Like a fishing net?. We stand at our statistic, and reach up and down a margin of error, WE ARE NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PILE!!! and hope to CATCH the parameter? sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t? but we never know.. Mooo hooo hooo haaaa haaa haaa (evil laugh)
What are conditions for chi squared?
indep, rand, <10%, 5 or more in EXPECTED cells
THINK OF Type 2 error?
What is effect size?
difference between null and true parameter.something we don’t know
What are the conditions that have to be met in order to use a normal model for the distribution of sample proportions? (sampling distribution of proportions).. (the distribution of p-hats)..
- Randomization (this helps with assumption of independence2. SMALL ENOUGH SAMPLE … 10% condition (this is the upper limit of our sample size. above this, the sampling distribution starts looking leptokurtic (thinner and taller), not normal)3. LARGE ENOUGH SAMPLE.. success/failure: np and nq > 10. this is the lower limit of our sample size. It is when the sampling distribution starts looking normal.
Where did the s.d. of differences of proportions that is on the formula sheet come from?
From the square root of the added variances of the the sampling distributions of the 2 proportions?
How do you calcuate SAMPLE SIZE with means?
n= (t*s/ME)2 Often, z is fine.. OR USE SMALL SAMPLE -1 . Then go through and calculate n.. Use that n for a t crit and do it again.
what is difference between assumptions and conditions?
Assumptions must be made in order to perform inference. We need to assume independent sample values and a large enough sample (but not too large).We check conditions to help support our assumptions.
When do you know it is GOF test?
When you have ONE ROW or ONE COLUMN. then it gives you a ratio , like 1:2:5or it gives you expected percents.
Describe the distribution of a sample
It will look like the population. The distribution of a sample is a histogram made from the sample, which will look kind of like the population. If the population is bimodal, then the distribution of the sample is bimodal. The SAMPLING distribution of a bunch of means, however, will look normalish.
With regression computer output, how do you find the p-value for hypothesis test with null: slope=0
p value is given at the end of the row that the slope is in! T score is It is the SLOPE/SE (because the t is [slope - 0)/ SE] p value is 2 X invt (t, 999, df)
ability to detect change, or to detect what test was designed to detect.
What is the Fundemental Theorem of Statistics?
The CLT!!The Central Limit Theorem!pile of stats surrounds the parameter and is normalish with large enough sample size!!
For the following output for the association between test score and amount of time studied, interpret the r-squared in context.
OUTPUT: n=75 dep var: test score
VAR coeff se coeff t stat p
intercept 45.3 4.3 10.53 0.000
study time 5.82 2.66 2.189 0.0318
r-square: 77.5 S=7.7
77.5% of the variability in test score can be explained by the model with hours studied.
How else can you explain power?
The likelihood you correctly reject a false null
When do you use 1 prop z test instead of one prop t test?
There is no 1 prop t test. You use Z for props. T for means.
What is a margin of error?
critical * s.d..It is how far you reach out in a confidence interval..You reach up AND YOU REACH DOWN one of these,so the interval is actually 2 margins of error wide.
Your confidence interval is (.25, .35). What is your point estimate?
0.3 (UB+LB) / 2,avg of the numbers,in the middle
How can you increase power?
Increase alpha increase sample size..
Can you decrease alpha while increasing power (even though they move together?)..
Yes.. They move together with constant sample size. If you increase the sample size, you can decrease alpha and increase the power.
Are models what really happens?
No. A model train is not a real train. We use models to say what kind of happens.
If you are testing to see if more students use tobacco now, and you find that was enough evidence to say that more do, but actually, there was not an increase, what type of error did you make?
Type 1 error
How are power and alpha related?
they go up and down together
If the null is true, what is the only error you could make?
Type 1
How do you write conclusion if you fail to reject?
With a p-value this high. I fail to reject the null. (I retain the null). There is not enough evidence to say that more students like eggs now.
Do alpha and beta work with means?
Yep, alpha, beta, power, type 1, type 2 all go along with means and proportions AND regression AND CHI SQUARED!!
What are the mean and standard deviation of a sampling distribution for a proportion?
mean is p and sdandard deviation is root pq/n(look at formula sheet)N(p, root (pq/n) )
When we are looking at differences of proportions, what is the sampling distribution a distribution of?
You have to imagine taking a a pair of samples, say.. Of girls and boys, subtracting phat girl-phat boy, and then writing that difference down. Do this over and over again, and you will have a list of differences. Now make a histogram of that list of differences, and that is your sampling distribution. It is an imagined distribution of an infinite amount of differences (of sample pairs)..
What is a 2 sample t interval?
Well.. Suppose you were trying to find the difference between the IQ of math teachers and IQ of English teachers. You sample 50 of each and find math xbar= 125 and English xbar=115. So, the difference of the samples is 10 points. That is your statistic. 10 points. You now have to add on a margin of error, let’s say.. 4. so, youll say something like “I’m 90 % confident that math teachers score between 6 and 14 points higher on IQ tests.”
For the following output for the association between test score and amount of time studied, what is the equation of the LSRL?
OUTPUT: n=75 dep var: test score
VAR coeff se coeff t stat p
intercept 45.3 4.3 10.53 0.000
study time 5.82 2.66 2.189 0.0318
r-square: 77.5 S=7.7
Score HAT = 45.3 + 5.82 (hours studied)
What did Bill Gossett Do?
He sat on the Normal model and drank some tea.(t model looks like someone sat on the normal model)
What does CLT say about the distribution of the population?
Not much just that it doesn’t matter what it is..With large samples..The SAMPLING dist will be approx normal(dist of stats.. NOT DATA)
Do you pool with means (t test)?
No you don’t have to do it. Only pool with hyp tests for props. Pooling with means is a nasty process, if you think the populations have similar variances, then have your calculator pool.
what are the conditions for chi squared?
counts, five or more in each expected, independent (random), <10%
THINK OF Type 1 error?
Do you use p-hat or p-null when you calculate your standard deviation?
use p-null..
when do you need crits?
in confidence intervals(and old fashioned hyp tests)
What are the conditions that have to be met in order to use a t-model for the distribution of sample means? (sampling distribution of means).. (the distribution of x-bars)..
- Random and independence2. Not too large, less than 10% of population,so 10n3. NOT TO SMALL n>30(if n<30 must be normalish)
how do you find expected count if n=25 for a 1:3:1 ratio? What test is it?
GOODNESS OF FITfind total: 1+3+1 = 5 divide all by five and that gives expected percents1/5 : 3/5 : 1/5 .20 : .60 :.20now multiply each by n and get expected counts.Almost always not a whole number. 25(.20) : 25(.60) :25(.20)
How to find expected cell count on a matrix?
How do you make a confidence interval with computer output?
STAT +/- CRIT SEThe STAT and SE are given side by side the t crit is stilll INVT(area 1 tail, n-2),Just put the +/- t crit between the actual slope and the given std. error. The calculation is simple