Unit 6 Lecture 35 Flashcards
Explain the range shift in response to climate with butterflies
- 35 non-migratory European butterflies shifted from the south to North (great Britain –> Sweden and Finland)
- All the butterflies in the old regions are now extinct and lost
Explain the range shift in response to climate with breeding bird
- For southern species that increased in range size, they shifted their northern margin north
- For those that decreased in range, they shifted to the south
- For northern species that increased their range size, they hefted their southern region south
- For those that decreased, they shifted their southern margin north
What is happening to plants in the alps?
- Plant richness decreases in regards to elevation
- Suggesting we are seeing elevational range of plant species as a result of climate change
- Problem with these kinds of mountain studies is if climate change is enough, some of these habitats on the top of the mountain will disappear
What is happening to neotoma in regards to increasing temp?
Body size is decreasing
What study was done with migratory birds?
- Sky scrapers are an issue for migratory birds, especially ones with windows
- In chicago, the skyscrapers are a hazard for these birds
- Man during the migration season picks up all of these birds and putting them in the field museum, being able to measure change in body size and wing length
- Found a decrease in body mass and also an increase in wing length – attribute these to the change in climate
What population changes in response to climate happened with intertidal organisms?
- Seeing an increase in the abundance of southern species and decrease in northern and cosmopolitan species (north and south of Monterey bay)
- This suggested in the population inability to survive and reproduce in northern Monterey bay as a result of climate change
What was studied with the cherry blossom trees?
- Each spring the Japan meteorological agency predicts “flowering front” of sakura across the country (happens in DC too)
- We are seeing earlier timing of blooming and flowering in cherry blossoms
- 2015 was earliest bloom in history
What is happening with plants and bees with climate change?
- Bee emergence is correlated with spring temperatures too
- Bees were active 9-11 days earlier than 130 years ago
- Since 1970, change has been about 1.8 days earlier per decade
- Not too far different from the rate of change in flowering dates
Willow (flower) and bumblebee phenology are ____ _______
tightly coupled
What does residual mean in emergence rates?
How much earlier or later a species emerge compared to the overall trend
Explain the tree swallow study
- Tree swallows travel from the south to the north when it comes time for summer
- When they start their departure date it is based on rainfall
- When they have higher rainfall, they leave earlier than when they have lower rainfall (males leave sooner than females)
- Now they’re possibly starting to arrive earlier
Some animals use photoperiod as a cue for migration. What does photoperiod mean?
Day length
Explain the study with caribous
- When the days start to get longer, they migrate to their summer ground; however, plants will start growing based on temperature
- Caribou is not changing when they start their migration enough to keep up with the changes of the flowering in plants
- Because of this there’s a mismatch
What is a result of this mismatch in caribou movement and plant growth?
- Fewer calves produced
- More calves die earlier
What’s another type of mismatch with bunnies
- If they mismatch their backgrounds it makes it easier for the predator to not see them
- With climate change, there is an increase in mismatch
Name 3 recent extinctions
- Notomys Amplus
- Macrotis Leucura
- Onychagalea Luneta