Unit 6 - Judicial Branch Flashcards
established the court system
Article III
established the rights at a trial
6 Amendment
established the rights to a jury trial
7 Amendment
established jurisdiction
11 Amendment
Article III
the court system is established
6th Amendment
rights at a trial
7th Amendment
right to a jury trial
11th Amendment
jurisdctino (2 people in different states are suing each other: it goes to federal court
federal setup
1) Supreme Court
2) Court of Appeals (13 circuit courts)
3) District Courts (94 district courts)
types of jurisdiction
original and appellate
original jurisdiction
initial hearing of a court case
appellate jurisdiction
review of a lower court hearing
- no job requirements for federal judges
- most are appointed for life
number of SC justices
number of appeals justices
approximately 150
number of district judges
approximately 650
appointment process of justicies
1) President nomination
2) Senate confirmation (majority required)
removal process of a justices
- impeachment
- resignation
- death
Attorney General
secretary of the Department of Justice (nation’s top lawyer)
Solicitor General
represents the government before the Supreme Court