Unit 6: Ecosystems And Climate Change Flashcards
An ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular species, community, or population.
Adaptations of grasses to sand dunes
- thick waxy cuticles (to limit transpiration)
- sunken stomata + epidermal hair (water condenses during transpiration)
- leafs roll up during droughts (water vapour is not lost)
- long extensive roots (to extract water)
- accumulation of fructans (complex sugars) in roots and leafs to increase osmotic potential and water uptake
Adaptations of mangrove swamps
Develop on the coast in the tropics and subtropics where mud accumultates. They are flooded with seawater at high tide. Dominant species are trees.
- secretion of excess salt from leaves (salt conc disrupt amount of water plant can absorb).
- root epidermis is suberized (a fatty substance) to reduce salt permeability
- cable roots growing close to soil surface (to take in oxygen)
Abiotic variables
Non-living things. Temperature, water availability. For plants: soil pH, soil salinity, availability of mineral nutrients, light intensity + animal things
Limiting factors
Any variable that slows life processes or stops a population from growing.
Range of tolerance
Levels of environemtnal factors beyond which an organism can’t survive (optimum). The adaptations of a species gives its range of tolerance. Outside of that, its zones of stress.
Coral reefs
biodiverse marine ecosystems that can only develop where conditions are suitable for hard corals. Mutualistic relationship with zooxanthellae (need light for photosynthesis).
-Depth should be less than 50 for light
-pH should be above 7.8 to allow deposition of CaCO3 in the skeleton of coral.
-Salinity between 32 and 42 parts per thousand of dissolved ions to avoid osmotic problems
-Clarity to allow light to pass through water
-Temperature 23-29C for it to remain healthy
Large geographic unit comprising groups of ecosystems with similar abiotic conditions and communities defined by their climate and plant dominate species.
Temperate forest
Moderate temp (warm summer cold winter), seasonal variation, rainfall medium to high, light intensity moderate (limits productivity)