Unit 6 Flashcards
To tell
Index finger under chin and points forward, this is a directional sign
Narration, Tale, Story
5 to O’s flipping over each other
To work
S non dom lays flat, S hand faces forward bouncing on top of non dom hand
Flat arm non dom hand, Non dom hand is flat with elbow resting on non dom hand
Two flat hands swinging back and forth
C shape faces middle of chest and slides downward
Two flat hands looking like you are holding sandwich to your mouth bouncing twice
Dom hand is bent with thumb out bouncing on wrist of non dom flat hand
To shout
Bent 5 hand shape starts at mouth and pull out, directional sign
Bent v shape near cheek going up and down
Be infatuated with someone
Two fists with thumbs up, like the sign game with thumbs bending and hands moving side to side
To be stuck
V shape pull up to neck
Phrase to begin a story
one day signs
Thomas Gallaudet name sign
Index and thumb in L shape near side of face pull back and put the fingers together
5 hands with fingers intertwined and move in a circle
Dom hand on top of non dom, shake back and forth
Two hands form a boat shape, move up and down
Board a ship
C shape non dom, Bent V shape dom, flip V shape on top of thumb
Laurent Clerc name sign
13 handshape bounce on side of chin
to set up; to establish, to form a system or institution
A shape non dom faces down, A shape dom goes from other hand, up towards chin, then goes back down on fist
First of its kind
Pointer dom , touches thumb non dom
Heard about
Eyebrows up, index finger goes towards ear
Upon Arriving
Dom flat hand w/thumb out goes from chin to non dom flat hand
Sometime in the past a long time ago
Flat hand towards head going in circles towards shoulder
One long week
Sign for week but slowly with expression
Transition: the following day
Two bent hands, dom hand moves forward (same sign as next), sign for day
Flat hand goes halfway accross face
Burst into tears
Sign for crying with expression
To chuckle, quietly laugh to yourself
Pointer goes up and down near mouth, smile
Two S hands together, then move upward like you are breaking something
Tasty, scrumptious, delicious
The sign for “taste” touches the tip of your middle finger to your lips.
If you do the movement once it is a verb as in “Taste this and tell me what you think.”
If you do the movement twice it is a noun as in, “That is a good flavor.”
Smell something good
Flat hand moves in circles under nose, sign for good
Transition: an unexpected change
Y shape in front of body, one movement up to chin
To hear something unexpectedly
Pointer away from ear, one movement towards ear with facial expression
To rush, act quickly, with haste, hurry
two h shapes shake up and down
To politely tell someone not to do something
Shake head, flat hand up facing the other person
Rooster(sometimes Early)
3 hand on forehead, some people use this sign for the word “Early”
Laugh at, mock
Use two fingers with a fist(kind of like the sign for cute but in front of you) with mocking laugh face expression
Looking over
Pointer in a circle
To say
Pointer bounces twice on chin
Middle and thumb touch middle of body, then both move away from each other vertical and wiggle
Malicious/mean spirited/mean
5 bend dominant hand is near mouth, non dom near mid body bent 5 hand, move into a shape hands
To check something off
Flat non dom front of body, pointer finger makes a check mark on hand going away from body
Two hands shake in front of body with scared face
Bent 5 shape hands flip with expression (flip is similar to sign for dead)
4 hands going downwards
How nice/cool/convenient
5 hand on chest wiggles
Later on
Bent hand, raise eyebrows, move
I got an idea to
Move Pointer towards temple
Flat hand non dom, L shape hand against it and twists down
Sign used to signal the concept is something familiar
Bent hand bounces
In temple