Unit 4 Flashcards
Marie Jean Philip
Fought to have Deaf children learn through ASL, she worked for the rights of Deaf community and children
Tell your age
Index finger touches chin and moves out
Express Amazment
5 bent hand in front of face move side to side
Hand near top of head, clap fingers and thumb together like you touching a cap
A shape hand moves from ear to chin
Mom sign then dad sign
Flat hand near chin, then put arms together like you are rocking a baby
Flat hand near forehead, then put arms together like you are rocking a baby
Two flat hands going outwards like you are patting childrens heads
Twins (also can be for triplets, quads, change number hand shape)
2 hand shape touching each side of mouth
Slide A shape hand into index finger hands stacking on each other
A shape at top going into pointer that meets non dom hand
Put hand out like you are touching belly, or interlace fingers like there is a belly there
Birth a child
Flat hand goes under non dom, rock arms like baby
Fall in love
Index finger on nose, turns and goes on flat non dom hand
Take someone out on a date
5 to O angled upward, fingerspell date or face two D hands together
To exclusively date one person
Make the sign for with and shake slightly
Propose marriage
Offer sign, marriage sign(two hands hold with palms)
E hand shape twists on to fist
Two hands palms come together and hold hands
In the future
5 hand from shoulder, move forward
Two five hands in front of body bend finger tips
Don’t want
Make sign for want, flip hands and shake head
Two flat hands in front of body, palms up, move hands up and down
First born of siblings
Sign for old, then move fist up (like making a U shape outside of your body)
Last born, youngest
Pinkys hit each other
The two of you/us
Make a K hand shape, turn over, point back and forth
To have a strong bond/ be close to
Near sign, or 2 X’s together (sign for connected)
Thumb and middle finger touch on chest and stomach
5 hand shape on forehead moves out
5 hand shape on chin moves out
Fingerspell grand, sign for son
Fingerspell grand, sign for Daughter
Fingerspell grand, sign for children
A relative by marriage, in law
Flat hand, slide L shape
A hand shape, up and down by chin
U hand shape, up and down near forehead
N shakes near chin
N shakes near forehead
To age/Grow old
C by mouth, move down to S hand
Still Alive
2 Y hands facing towards body, twist outward, sign for live
Flat non dom faces up, flat dom faces down, and flip hands the same direction
Gone, cease to exist
C hand with non dom, 4 hand with dom and slide through non dom to have fingertips touching
The total number/Add up
5 hands twist to have finger tips touch
Step Father
S hand twists to L shape, sign for dad
Step mom
S hand twists to L, sign for mom
Step daughter/sister
Spell step/sign for daughter
Step son/brother
Spell step/sign for son
Half sister/Brother
Sides of index fingers touching
Committed Life partner
Flat non dom with thumb up, flat dom sweep motion between index finger and thumb (sign for share), sign for person
G hand shape, index finger touches chin
L hand shape, index finger touches chin
Flat hand moves down
5 hands pull up to S hands
To look after/take care of/ care for
Two K hands stacked. Make circle motion for care for, bounce motion for take care
A heated verbal argument/falling out
Index fingers move up and down
To not be on friendly terms, not get along
Sign for not, Bent hands moving forward
Fall out of love
Love sign, fingertips together, move them apart(sign for dissolve)
Part ways/Cease to associate
Two index fingers facing down, move away from each other
A divorce
Two d’s, pull apart, or marriage sign but hands move away from each other
Flat non dom hand, X dom hand twists
New York
Y slides back and forth on flat hand
Two bent hands come together in front of body
Middle finger touches chin then chest or sign for birth and day (lay non dom arm in front of body, make index finger hand, and dom arm falling on top)
2 X’s in circles near head
Family Reunion
Sign for family, two five hands near head and come downwards
C hand near head, twists backward
2 4 hand shapes start together and pull apart in the shape of candles
Flat hand on chin and below, pull out twice for thank you’s
Tap 5 hands on shoulders with thumbs
Twist wrist G hand, hit on flat hand
Attractive or Adorable/ Cute
13 hand, pull once off chin
5 hand sweeps across face and fingertips come together
Good looking/Attractive/Handsome
Index finger circles around face (face), sign for nice
Nice family
Nice sign, family sign
To share resemblance with someone
Face, same, point
To have a youthful look
Have sign scrapping, or sign for youngest
To look differently than before
Face sign, different sign,
To show no change in appearance
Face, stay (two Y shapes moving down)
Ask how old someone is
Old Old, squish brows