Unit 6 Flashcards
When was the German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) founded?
January 1919
When did Hitler and Drexler publish the Twenty Five points programme?
February 1920
What were the key points of the Twenty Five points programme?
- scrap treaty of Versailles
- combined left wing with right wing ideas, mass appeal
- hints at nationalism
- lebensraum(a living space, place for all German speaking people to live together)
- Volksgemeinschaft (a people’s community//unification)
- anti-semitism
When did Hitler become chairman of NSDAP?
July 1921
When did Hitler join NSDAP?
September 1919, he was the 55th member. Sent in by the army to spy but ended up believing in the ideology
When was the Munich Putsch?
November 1923
When was the wall street crash?
October 1929
When did the NSDAP buy the peoples’ observer?
December 1920
When were the SA created?
July 1921
What did the SA engage in on the 4th of November 1921?
A running battle with socialists at a political meeting in Munich
How many party members did the NSDAP have by mid 1923?
Who did the NSDAP want to make president during the Munich Putsch?
General Ludendorff
What happened to Hitler as a result of the Munich Putsch?
He was tried for high treason in February//March 1924
He received a five year sentence
Where//when did Hitler write Mein Kampf?
In prison, 1924
What were the main points of Mein Kampf?
It was Hitlers Weltanschauung.
- elimination of Jewry from German life
- the provision of Lebensraum
- destruction of communism
What does Munich Putsch mean?
Push for power
How many votes did the nazis win in the May 1924 election (in alliance with other parties from the right)
1.9 million votes or 6.5%
Why was the NSDAP re-founded in 1924?
They had a poor showing in the December elections, only winning 3% of the vote
What was established at the NSDAP party conference in February 1926 at Bamberg?
A new autocratic, central structure
Adherence to the programme of 1920
Obedience to Hitler and the Fuhrerprinzip
Define Fuhrerprinzip
Established the complete authority of the leader, Hitler
Why did Hitler try to quell the SA in 1926?
He wanted a semblance of legality for the party
What did the SA do in an attempt to show the public that the party had control over its paramilitary arm?
Hitler and the other politicians did a staged March over past SA members at Weimar in July 1926
When was the Hitler youth founded?
How did the Nazi party fare in the May 1928 election?
Dismally, only 2.6% of the vote
What aided the party to rapidly transform in to a mass movement?
The creation of Nazi professional bodies in October 1928
How did the party draw peasants in to the movement?
They founded the AA in 1930, which managed to infiltrate and dominate other important agrarian based organisations such as the Reichslandbund
What proportion of Nazi members were under 40 in 1930?
How many German workers were unemployed by 1933?
1 in 3 or 6 million
What proportion of the votes did the nazis win in June 1930 in the saxony landtag?
14.4%, which was 9% higher than the previous year
How many seats did the nazis win in the September 1930 election?
They went from 12 to 107 seats
How many new supporters joined the nazis between September 1930 and the end of the year?
What did the nazis average in regional elections throughout 1931?
How many emergency decrees did Bruning pass? What did this show?
He saw himself as responsible to the president and not the Reichstag, and so was making action to please him rather than the government
What did the emergency decree of April 1932 ban?
The SA and SS
When did hitler become chancellor?
January 1933
When was Von Papens Prussian coup d’état?
July 1932
When did Von Papen dismiss the Prussian government?
20th July 1932
Why did Von Papen dismiss the government?
Under the grounds that political violence meant it had failed to keep the peace
How many seats did the Nazi party win in 1932?
230 seats or 37.3% of the vote
When did the Nazi party become the largest in the Reichstag?
What was the significance of the 1932 election
It gave the Nazi party legitimacy
What made the NSDAP party attractive to other parties as an ally?
If was a mass movement with a broad base of popular support
Where was the Nazi vote the weakest?
Urban areas which were dominated by the working class
What was Volksgemeinschaft
A national community based on racial identity
What was a vote for the Nazi party seen as a protest against?
The failure of the parties of the Weimar Republic and the political system itself
How many votes did the DNVP gain from workers in 1924?
2 million- it’s assumed the Nazi party attracted these voters by the turn of the decade
When did Hitler open discussions with Von Papen about the conditions of which he would join the government?
August 1932
What political stalemate did the 1932 elections reinforce?
Hindenburg wanted to continue presidential government but refused to appoint Hitler as chancellor until he achieved a majority in the Reichstag
The Nazi had the ability, with the centre party, to vote down a government at will
Who was offered vice chancellorship when Von Schleicher was chancellor?
Gregor strasser, a leading and popular Nazi figure
What happened as a result of schleichers economic policy in 1932?
It was seen as far too left wing, so initiatives were undertaken to create a government of the right, which would include NSDAP and Von Papen
When was Hitler appointed chancellor?
30th January 1930
How many nazis were in Hitlers first government?
Three, hitler as chancellor, frick as minister for the interior and goring as minister without portfolio
What did the hitlerite regime need to be to establish a broad political consensus?
Perceived as legitimate, law abiding and respectable
When was Hitlers appeal to the German people?
1st February 1933
When was the Police reinforced by SA ‘volunteers’
22nd February 1933
What does Gleichschaltung mean?
When was the head office of the KPD ransacked? What did goring claim to find?
24th February 1933, evidence of plans for a communist takeover
When was the Reichstag fire?
27th February 1933
What gave the Nazi party the legal means to begin the seizure of power?
The Reichstag fire
What emergency decree did the Nazi party issue in order to seize power?
The protection of people and state, February 28th
What did the Nazi party suspend that was enshrined in the Weimar constitution?
Freedom of press, speech and assembly
How many political prisoners were in custody in Prussia in April 1933?
How many seats did the nazis win in the March election of 1933?
Who did the nazis ban from the Reichstag despite them winning 4.8 million votes
All communist kpd deputies
When did Hitler present the enabling act to the Reichstag?
23rd March 1933
What did the enabling act grant Hitler?
Four years of power as a dictator
What did the enabling act essentially do?
Vote the Reichstag out of existence, the government no longer needed to consult them to pass laws
When did hitler dissolve all local government?
31st March 1933
When were trade unions disbanded?
2nd may 1933
When were the SPD banned?
22nd June 1933
What happened on the 14th of July 1933?
The Nazi party was declared the only legal party in Germany
When did the Catholic Church sign the concordat?
20th July 1933