Unit 6 Flashcards
Conventional Participation
Relatively routine political behavior that uses institutional channels and is acceptable to the dominant culture.
Unconventional Participation
Relatively uncommon political behavior that challenges or defies established institutions and dominant norms.
Voter Turnout
The percentage of eligible citizens who actually vote in a given election.
The right to vote.
The right to vote.
Direct Primary
A preliminary election, run by the state government, in which voters choose each party’s candidates for the general election.
The process for removing an elected official from office.
An election on a policy issue.
A procedure by which voters can propose an issue to be decided by the legislature or by the people in a referendum. Requires gathering a specified number of signatures and submitting a petition to a designed agency.
Political Party
An organization that sponsors candidates for political office under the organization’s name.
Designation as an official candidate of political party.
Political System
A set of interrelated institutions that links people with government.
Electoral College
A body of electors chosen by voters to cast ballots for President and Vice President.
A closed meeting of the members of a political party to decide questions of policy and the selection of candidates.
Political Participation
Actions of private citizens by which they seek to influence or support government and politics.
National Convention
A gathering of delegates of a single political party from across the country to choose candidates for President and Vice President and to adopt a party platform.
Party Platform
The statement of policies of a national party.
National Committee
A committee of political party composed of party chairpersons and party officials from every state.
Congressional Campaign Committee
An organization maintained by a political party to raise funds to support its own candidates.
Party Machine
A centralized party organization that dominates local politics by controlling elections.
Primary Election
A preliminary election conducted within a political party to select candidates who will run for public office in a subsequent election
Open Primaries
Primary elections in which voters need not declare their party affiliation and can choose one party’s primary ballot to take into the voting booth.
Closed Primary
Voters must declare their party affiliation before they are given the primary ballot containing that party’s potential nominees.
Presidential Primary
Special primary election used to select delegates to attend the party’s national convention.
Method used to select delegates to attend the party’s nation convention.
State’s practice of moving delegate selection primaries and caucuses earlier in the calendar year to gain media and candidate attention.
Super Tuesday
A day where several US States hold primary elections.
General Election
A national election held by law in November of every even numbered year.
Straight Ticket
A single party’s candidates for all the offices.
Split Ticket
Candidate from different parties for different offices.
Hard Money
Financial contributions given directly to a candidate running for congressional office or the presidency
Soft Money
Financial contribution to party committees for capital and operational expenses.
Relatively routine political behavior that uses institutional channels and is acceptable to the dominant culture.
Conventional Participation
Relatively uncommon political behavior that challenges or defies established institutions and dominant norms.
Unconventional Participation
The percentage of eligible citizens who actually vote in a given election.
Voter Turnout
The right to vote.
The right to vote.
A preliminary election, run by the state government, in which voters choose each party’s candidates for the general election.
Direct Primary
The process for removing an elected official from office.
An election on a policy issue.
A procedure by which voters can propose an issue to be decided by the legislature or by the people in a referendum. Requires gathering a specified number of signatures and submitting a petition to a designed agency.
An organization that sponsors candidates for political office under the organization’s name.
Political Party
Designation as an official candidate of political party.
A set of interrelated institutions that links people with government.
Political System
A body of electors chosen by voters to cast ballots for President and Vice President.
Electoral College
A closed meeting of the members of a political party to decide questions of policy and the selection of candidates.
Actions of private citizens by which they seek to influence or support government and politics.
Political Participation
A gathering of delegates of a single political party from across the country to choose candidates for President and Vice President and to adopt a party platform.
National Convention
The statement of policies of a national party.
Party Platform
A committee of political party composed of party chairpersons and party officials from every state.
National Committee
An organization maintained by a political party to raise funds to support its own candidates.
Congressional Campaign Committee
A centralized party organization that dominates local politics by controlling elections.
Party Machine
A preliminary election conducted within a political party to select candidates who will run for public office in a subsequent election
Primary Election
Primary elections in which voters need not declare their party affiliation and can choose one party’s primary ballot to take into the voting booth.
Open Primaries
Voters must declare their party affiliation before they are given the primary ballot containing that party’s potential nominees.
Closed Primary
Special primary election used to select delegates to attend the party’s national convention.
Presidential Primary
Method used to select delegates to attend the party’s nation convention.
State’s practice of moving delegate selection primaries and caucuses earlier in the calendar year to gain media and candidate attention.
A day where several US States hold primary elections.
Super Tuesday
A national election held by law in November of every even numbered year.
General Election
A single party’s candidates for all the offices.
Straight Ticket
Candidate from different parties for different offices.
Split Ticket
Financial contributions given directly to a candidate running for congressional office or the presidency
Hard Money
Financial contribution to party committees for capital and operational expenses.
Soft Money