Unit 6 Flashcards
rivalries (n) = situation in which two or more parties (e.g. individuals, businesses) compete for the same thing (rivalita)
symbolism (n) = the act of representing objects, concepts, or ideas through symbols
pits (someone) against (someone else) (v + prep) = cause someone to fight against
someone else (postavit’ niekoho proti niekomu inému)
emblazoned (adj) = visibly decorated (ozdobený
battle (it) out (phr v) = fight or compete until a final result (victory or defeat) is reached
súperit’ až do konca)
raged (v) = exploded
erupted (zúrilo
siege (n) = situation when an army or the police surround a place for people to come out of that place (obliehanie)
assertions (n) = statements
albeit (conj) = even though
although (hoci
reframe (something) (v) =look at something in a different way (preformulovat’
pozriet’ sa
na niečo inak)
fringe area (adj+ n) = an area considered as marginal, secondary (okrajová oblast’
sekundárna oblast)
proliferated (v) = increased in number (rozmnožilo sa
zvýšilo sa v počte)
interdisciplinary (adi) = including more than one discipline or subject (medzipredmetové
zahfňajúci viacero oblasti)
ceasefire (n) = agreement between two armies to stop fighting (prímerie)
the disbanding of (n) = suspension
termination (rozpustenie
reintegration (n) = reunification
reinclusion (znovuzačlenenie
lasting (adj) = continuing
durable (trvalý
settlements (n) = agreements
resolutions (dohody
foster (v) = promote
antagonistic (adj) = unfriendly
opposing (nepriatefský: protikladný
reconciliation (n) = agreement
compromise (zmierenie
inclusivity (n) = the action of including different people, things, ideas with the aim of treating them equally and fairly (inkluzívnost
začlenenie rôznych skupín)
have the upper hand (phr) = have an advantage over (someone or something) (mat výhodu nad niekým/niečím)
vindicated (v) = proven right (preukázaný ako správny