unit 6 Flashcards
Nazi ___ murdered more than six million Jews during the Holocaust
German submarine ____ hunted allied shipping during the battle of the atlantic
wolf pack
Hitler avoided Frances ___ line by moving through the Netherlands , Belgium , and luxembourg before entering France
US ships endured attacks by almost 1,500 japanese ____ during the battle of Okinawa
the battle of _ is remembered by the American pilots as the great Marians turkey shoot because of the loss of three
Philippine sea
France and great Britain handed the country Czechoslovakia to Hitler at the ___ conference
Franklin d Roosevelt was from_______
the United States
____ was the general who led operation torch in north america
the _ was the last major battle of the war, resulting in deaths of nearly 12,000 american soilders and
battle of Okinawa
the_ was Hitler’s last offensive effort to stop the allied advanced towards germany
battle of the buldge
begun on September 1, 1939, the ___ was the first battle of WWll
invasion of Poland
____ instituted a government system, fasicim , stressing nationalism rather than individual liberty
Benito Mussolini
over 6,000 American troops died capturing the small island of in order to prevent japanese aircraft from attacking
lwo jima
Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish synagogues, homes, and buisnesses during ___, the night of broken
Jews were stripped of their civil rights by passage of the ___ laws
the _ was the forced unification of Austria to Germany
the surprise attack on ___
pearl harbor
harry s Truman was from the
United states
____ called america the “ arsenal of democracy” by supplying allies with war materials
Franklin d Roosevelt
the _ was the Japanese vision of a large entity of Oriental nations led by Japan would be free from western
greater East Asia co- prosperity
the June 6, 1944 , invasion of France is remembered as ____
d day
fear of spying and sabotage led the us gov to place many ___ Americans in war relocation
the battle for ____ was the first major battle for american forces in north Africa
kasserine pass
over one half million German soldiers died as a result of Hitler’s I’ll advised attack on ___ Russia
the policy of ____ allowed Germany to violate the terms of the treaty of Versailles, while doing nothing to stop
women’s serving in the WAC supported the efforts of the u.s ___
more than 800 ships evacuated 380,000 british and french troops at ___
hideki Tojo is from___
the _ was a new type of rapid warfare introduces by Germany during the invasion Poland
the sinking of four Japanese carriers at _ crippled japanese attacks capability and was turning point in the
mid way
the____ raid cast fear into the Japanese people because they believed their homeland beyond reach of enemy
was an intense air battle that prevented Hitler from invading england
battle of britain
a small force of American Marines on _turned away a Japanese invasion
wake island
____ code talkers used their native language
____ was from great britain
winston cchurchhill