Unit 6 Flashcards
What is the albedo effect?
the albedo effect is when the sun’s energy is reflected back from the surface of the earth.
what are surfaces with low albedo?
surfaces without snow and ice.
what are surfaces with high albedo?
surfaces with snow and ice
why is the atmosphere essential for life on earth?
it acts as a shield from meteorites, shields uv rays or gamma rays, stabilizes the climate’s temperature, traps oxygen and carbon dioxide
describe the greenhouse effect
the greenhouse effect is what happens when solar energy or the heat from the sun is either absorbed or reflected by greenhouse gas molecules
what are some of the greenhouse gasses?
some of the greenhouse gases are water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide
what is the composition of the atmosphere?
the composition of the atmosphere is of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon and small amounts of carbon dioxide, water, and methane.
what is the troposphere?
the troposphere is the closest layer of the atmosphere extending from (0 to 10 km) from Earth. temps decline and wind speeds increase as the layer increases in altitude. this layer is the most connected to the biosphere and is where all the weather occurs. has greenhouse gases to regulate the temp. the layer with the bad ozone.
what is the stratosphere?
it is the layer of the atmosphere that extends from (10-50km). winds increase as the altitude does. has dry air. has the good ozone layer.
what is the mesosphere?
it is the next layer of the atmosphere ranging from (50-90km). contains strong zonal winds (east-west). the coldest part of the atmosphere.
what is the thermosphere?
the 4th layer of the atmosphere from Earth ranging from (90 to 800 km). Temps increase by a lot until 300 km. Activity strongly influences temperature. Uv and v radiation from the sun is absorbed and breaks molecules into atoms.
what is the exosphere?
the fifth and last layer of the atmosphere from Earth ranging from (800-10,000km). where the atmosphere meets space and where Earth’s gravity no longer holds molecules where molecules escape into space. satellites will obit in the thermosphere or the lower end of this one.
why are the troposphere and the stratosphere relevant to life on earth?
Because those layers are where life on Earth affects or gets affected the most by ozone, the ozone layer, weather, and air pollution.
what is the difference between good and bad ozone?
the difference is that the good one is a layer of ozone in the stratosphere that protects the earth from UV rays. compared to the bad ozone in the troposphere that is caused by pollutants causing smog.
What was the purpose of the Montreal Protocol?
the purpose of the Montreal Protocol (1989) was to create a international agreement to reduce the use and productions of CFCs in order to heal the rapidly depleting ozone layer