Unit 5 Vocab Flashcards
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a disagreement; a quarrel between two parties
Use in a Sentence: I got into an argument with my friend over who was going first on the ride at the fair.
Synonym: disagreement; quarrel
Antonym: agreement; truce; treaty
Part of Speech: verb or a noun
Definition: to report that something is true; a position/statement
Use in a Sentence: I made a claim that cats are better than dogs.
Synonym: position; stance
Antonym: deny; counterclaim
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an explanation to prove something to be true
Use in a Sentence: It is important to have strong evidence to back up your claim in an essay.
Synonym: thorough explanation
Antonym: falsification
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: proof of something; research/statistics
Use in a Sentence: An alibi is a form of evidence to prove that someone is not guilty.
Synonym: facts, statistics, proof
Antonym: opinion, false information
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an argument that refutes another; opposing argument
Use in a Sentence: During the debate I thought the blue side had a very strong counterargument.
Synonym: opposing claim
Antonym: claim/argument
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a chance to come back at something that was said or done
Use in a Sentence: My rebuttal was useless because my mom does not want me on my phone all the time.
Synonym: response; refutation
Antonym: agreement
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an individual who is in favor of something
Use in a Sentence: I was a proponent for the idea that homework should be done at school.
Synonym: advocate; supporter
Antonym: opponent
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: prove to be false
Use in a Sentence: I refuted her argument that words can only be spoken with strong evidence and examples.
Synonym: falsify; argue; deny
Antonym: support; corroborate
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an individual who is against something
Use in a Sentence: My opponent had a strong rebuttal that I had to use my best evidence to refute.
Synonym: opposer; enemy
Antonym: proponent; supporter
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a basic explanation/reasoning
Use in a Sentence: My rationale was very clear and helped everyone understand why I like cats over dogs.
Synonym: explanation; excuse
Part of Speech: noun or verb
Definition: argument; to argue; to question; to deny
Use in a Sentence: The dispute between my friends was very heated.
Synonym: argument
Antonym: agreement
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: clash of opposing views
Use in a Sentence: The topic of advanced technology is a very controversial topic.
Synonym: debatable
Antonym: agreeable
Part of Speech: noun or adjective
Definition: aim/goal; unbiased/neutral
Use in a Sentence: During trials judges and juries must be objective in order to be fair.
Synonym: neutral; unbiased
Antonym: biased; one-sided
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to prove to be true/to show to be right
Use in a Sentence: I had to justify why I was home late to my mother so I didn’t get in trouble.
Synonym: prove
Antonym: deny; dispute
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: pertinent; relating to; of the same topic
Use in a Sentence: The topic of racism is still relevant today.
Synonym: relative; pertinent
Anonym: irrelevant