Unit 5: RA 11166 - Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act (Part 2) Flashcards
Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act
What is Article 5 of RA 11166?
Health and Support Services
Health and Support Services
What is Section 33 of RA 11166?
Treatment of Persons Living with HIV and AIDS
What section is described below:
The DOH shall establish a program that will provide free and accessible ART and medication for opportunistic infections to all PLHIVs who are enrolled in the program. It shall likewise designate public and private hospitals to become treatment hubs. A manual of procedures for management of PLHIV shall be developed by the DOH.
Section 33
What is Section 34 of RA 11166?
Access to Medical Services by Indigents
What section is described below:
Indigent persons living with HIV shall not be deprived of access to medical services. The DOH and DSWD shall establish a program that will support better access to ART and medication for opportunistic infections to all indigent PLHIV, which includes financial support for necessary medical services related to the person’s HIV condition.
Section 34
What is Section 35 of RA 11166?
Economic Empowerment and Support
What section is described below:
PLHIV shall not be deprived of any employment, livelihood, micro-finance, self-help, and cooperative programs by reason of their HIV status. The DSWD, in coordination with the DILG, DOLE, and TESDA, shall develop enabling policies and guidelines to ensure economic empowerment and independence designed for PLHIV.
Section 35
What is Section 36 of RA 11166?
Care and Support for Persons Living with HIV
What section is described below:
The DSWD, in coordination with the DOH, shall develop care and support programs for PLHIV, which shall include peer-led counseling and support, social protection, welfare assistance, and mechanisms for case management. These programs shall include care and support for the affected children, families, partners, and support groups of PLHIV.
Section 36
What is Section 37 of RA 11166?
Care and Support for Overseas Workers living with HIV
What section is described below:
The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), in coordination with the DOH, DSWD, DFA, CFO, and the Bureau of Quarantine and International Health Surveillance, shall develop a program to provide a stigma-free comprehensive reintegration, care, and support program, including economic, social, medical support for overseas workers, regardless of employment status and stage in the migration process.
Section 37
What is Section 38 of RA 11166?
Care and Support for Affected Families, Intimate Partners, Significant Others and Children of People Living with HIV
What section is described below:
The DSWD, DOH, and LGUs, in consultation with CSOs and affected families of PLHIV shall develop care and support programs for affected families, intimate partners, significant others, and children of PLHIV.
Section 38
What is Section 39 of RA 11166?
Care and Support Program in Prisons and Other Closed-Setting Institutions
What section is described below:
All prisons, rehabilitation centers, and other closed-setting institutions shall have comprehensive STI, HIV and AIDS prevention and control program that includes HIV education and information, HIV counseling and testing, and access to HIV treatment and care services. The DOH, in coordination with DILG, DOJ, and DSWD, shall develop HIV and AIDS comprehensive programs and policies, which include the HIV counseling and testing procedures in prisons, rehabilitation centers, and other closed-setting institutions.
Section 39
What section is described below:
PLHIV in prisons, rehabilitation centers, and other closed settings institutions shall be provided HIV treatment, which includes anti-retroviral drugs, care, and support in accordance with the national guidelines. Efforts should be undertaken to ensure the continuity of care at all stages, from admission or imprisonment to release. The provision on informed consent and confidentiality shall also apply in closed-setting institutions
Section 39
What section is described below:
The members of the PNAC, in cooperation with the CSOs, and in collaboration with DOJ and CHR, shall ensure the delivery of non-discriminatory HIV and AIDS services by government and private HIV and AIDS service providers.
Section 40
What is Section 40 of RA 11166?
Non-discriminatory HIV and AIDS Services
What is Section 41 of RA 11166?
Protection of HIV Educators, Licensed Social Workers, Health Workers, and other HIV and AIDS Service Providers from Harassment
What section is described below:
Any person involved in the provision of HIV and AIDS services, including peer educators, shall be protected from suit, arrest or prosecution, and from civil, criminal or administrative liability, on the basis of their delivery of such services in HIV prevention. This protection does not cover acts which are committed in violated of this Act.
Section 41
What is Section 43 of RA 11166?
HIV and AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation
What is Section 42 of RA 11166?
Health Insurance and Similar Health Services
What is Article VI of RA 11166?
What is Section 44 of RA 11166?
What is Section 45 of RA 11166?
What is Section 46 of RA 11166?
Disclosure of HIV-Related Test Results
What is Section 47 of RA 11166?
Disclosure to Persons with Potential Exposure to HIV
What section is described below:
Any person who, after having been tested, is found to be infected with HIV is strongly encouraged to disclose this health condition to the spouse, sexual partners, and/or any person prior to engaging in penetrative sex or any potential exposure to HIV. A person living with HIV may seek help from qualified professionals including medical professionals health workers, peer educators, or social workers to support him in disclosing this health condition to one’s partner or spouse. Confidentiality shall likewise be observed. Further the DOH, through the PNAC, shall establish an enabling environment to encourage newly tested HIV positive individuals to disclose their status to partners.
Section 47
What is Section 48 of RA 11166?
Duty of Employers, Heads of Government Offices, Heads of Public and Private Schools or Training Institutions, and Local Chief Executives
What section is described below:
It shall be the duty of private schools and training institutions, and local chief executives over all private establishments within their territorial jurisdiction, to prevent or deter acts of discrimination against PLHIV, and to provide procedures for the resolution, settlement, or prosecution of acts of discrimination against PLHIV, and to provide procedures for the resolution, settlement, or prosecution of acts of discrimination.
Section 48
What section is described below:
The committee shall conduct meetings to increase the members’ knowledge and understanding of HIV and AIDS, and to prevent incidents of discrimination. It shall also conduct the administrative investigation of alleged cases of discrimination.
Section 48
What is Article VII of RA 11166?
Discriminatory Acts and Practices and Corresponding Penalties
What is Section 49 of RA 11166?
Discriminatory Acts and Practices
The rejection of job application, termination of employment, or other discriminatory policies in hiring, provision of employment and other related benefit, promotion or assignment of an individual solely or partially on the basis of actual, perceived, or suspected HIV status.
Discrimination in the Workplace
Refusal of admission, expulsion, segregation, imposition of harsher disciplinary actions, or denial of benefits or services of student or a prospective student solely or partially on the basis of actual, perceived, or suspected HIV status
Discrimination in Learning Institution
Restrictions on travel within the Philippines, refusal of lawful entry to Philippine territory, deportation from Philippines, or the quarantine or enforced isolation of travelers solely or partially on account of actual, perceived, or suspected HIV status is discriminatory. The same standard of protection shall be accorded to migrants, visitors, and residents who are not Filipino citizens.
Restriction on Travel and Habitation
Restrictions on housing or lodging, whether permanent or temporary, solely or partially on the basis of actual, perceived, or suspected HIV status.
Restrictions on Shelter
Prohibition on the right to seek an elective or appointive public office solely or partially on the basis of actual, perceived, or suspected HIV status.
Prohibition from Seeking or Holding Public Office
Exclusion from health, accident or life insurance, or credit and loan services, including the extension of such loan or insurance facilities, of an individual solely or partially on the basis of actual, perceived, or suspected HIV status: Provided, That the PLHIV has not concealed or misrepresented the fact to the insurance company or loan or credit service provider upon application;
Exclusion from Credit and Insurance Services
Denial of embalming and burial services for a decease person who had HIV and AIDS or who was known, suspected, or perceived to be HIV-positive
Denial of Burial Services
Denial of health services, or being charges with a higher fee, on the basis of actual, perceived or suspected HIV status is discriminatory act and is prohibited.
Discrimination in Hospitals and Health Institutions
Bullying in all forms, including name-calling, upon a person based on actual, perceived, or suspected HIV status, including bullying in social media and other online portals
Act of Bullying
What is Section 50 of RA 11166?
Any person who commits the prohibited act under Section 22 of this Act on misinformation on HIV and AIDS shall, upon conviction, suffer the penalty of imprisonment ranging from ________________ years and ____________________, or both, at the discretion if the court.
one (1) year but not more than ten (10); a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (50,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
Provided, That if the offender is a manufacturer, importer or distributor of any drugs, devices, agents, and other health products, the penalty of _____________________ years, and a fine of ______________________ shall be imposed
at least five (5) years imprisonment, but not more than ten (10) years; at least Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00), but not more than Five million pesos (P5,000,000.00)
Any person who violates the second sentence of Section 24 of this Act on police operations vis-à-vis comprehensive health intervention for key populations shall upon conviction, suffer the penalty of imprisonment of ___________________ years, and a fine of not less than _________________________.
one (1) year to five (5); One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00), but not more than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
Any person who knowingly or negligently causes another to get infected with HIV in the course of the practice of profession through unsafe and unsanitary practice and procedure, or who compelled any person to undergo HIV testing without his or her consent shall, upon conviction, suffer the penalty of imprisonment of _______________ years without prejudice to the imposition of fines and administrative sanctions, such as suspension or revocation of professional license.
six (6) to twelve (12)
Any person who violates Section 41 of this Act, on the protection of HIV and AIDS service providers from harassment shall, upon conviction, suffer the penalty of imprisonment of_______________ years, and a fine of not less than ______________________.
six (6) months to five (5); One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00), but not less that Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
What is Section 51 of RA 11166?
Penalties Collected
What is Article VIII of RA 11166?
Final Provisions
What is Section 52?
What is Section 53?
Transitory Provision
What is Section 54?
Implementing Rules and Regulations
According to Section 54, the PNAC within ___________ from the effectivity of this Act shall promulgate the necessary implementing rules and regulations for the effective implementation of this provisions of this Act.
ninety (90) days
What is Section 55?
Repealing Clause
What is Section 56?
Separability Clause
What is Section 57?
Who was the speaker of the house of representatives in the implementation of RA 11166?
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
Who was the Senate President in the implementation of RA 11166?
Vincente C. Sotto III
Who was the Acting Secretary General House of Representatives in the implementation of RA 11166?
Dante Roberto P. Maling
Who was the Secretary of the Senate in the implementation of RA 11166?
Myra Marie D. Villarica
A six (6)-year national multi-sectoral strategic plan to prevent and control the spread of HIV and AIDS in the country
AIDS Medium Term Plan
AMTP ran from what year to what year?
2017 to 2022
How many sections does the RA 8504 have?
52 sections
How many articles does the RA 8504 have?
9 articles
Who signed the RA 8504 in 1998?
Fidel V. Ramos
This refers to the process by which the “index client”, “source”, or “patient” who has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) including HIV, is given support in order to notify and advise the partners that have been exposed to infection. Support includes giving the index client a mechanism to encourage the client’s partner to attend counseling, testing and other prevention and treatment services. Confidentiality shall be observed in the entire process
Partner Notification