Unit 5: RA 11166 - Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act (Part 1) Flashcards
Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act
21-year-old Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998
RA 8504
Who signed RA 8504?
Fidel V. Ramos
What was the law prior to RA 11166 with provisions changed?
RA 8504
What is the Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act of 2018? (Bill)
RA 11166
Who signed RA 11166?
President Rodrigo Duterte
When was the RA 11166 signed?
Dec. 20, 2018
“An Act Strengthening the Philippine Comprehensive Policy on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Prevention, Treatment, Care, and Support, and, Reconstituting the Philippine National Aids Council (PNAC)”
RA 11166
RA 11166 is under the Senate Bill No. ______ and House Bill No. _________.
Senate Bill No. 1390 and House Bill No. 6617
Senate Bill No. 1390 and House Bill No. 6617
What is the target of RA 11166?
What is target 1 according to 90-90-90?
90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status (90% diagnosed)
What is target 2 according to 90-90-90?
90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy (90% on HIV treatment)
What is target 3 according to 90-90-90?
90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression (90% suppressed)
Only if the 90-90-90 targets are met can we then achieve the next set of goals to end AIDS by 2030. What is the next set of goals?
RA 11166 wants to reduce the annual number of new HIV infections among adults to…
True or False: RA 11166 wants to achieve zero discrimination among HIV patients.
What is Section 1 of RA 11166?
What is Section 2 of RA 11166?
Declaration of Policies
What is Section 3 of RA 11166?
Definition of Terms
What section is referred to below:
● HIV & AIDS is a health problem
● policies and practices on the dissemination of non-discriminatory on the HIV /AIDS services and the health providers to protect, respect and promote human rights;
● promote programs to prevent the spread of HIV and the integration of the said program in the education where Gov’t agencies and multi-sectoral approaches.
● Ensure access to HIV/AIDS related services eliminating the climate of stigma
Section 2
True or False: Bullying was defined in Section.
What are the sections under the Article IV of RA 11166?
Sections 29 - 32
What are the sections under the Article I of RA 11166?
Sections 4 - 10
What are the sections under the Article II of RA 11166?
Sections 11 - 22
Sections 11 - 22
What are the sections under the Article III of RA 11166?
Sections 23 - 28
What are the sections under the Article VI of RA 11166?
Sections 44 - 48
What are the sections under the Article V of RA 11166?
Sections 33 - 43
What are the sections under the Article VII of RA 11166?
Sections 49 - 51
What are the sections under the Article VIII of RA 11166?
Sections 52 - 57
How many articles are there in RA 11166?
How many sections are there in RA 11166?
How many articles are there in RA 8504?
How many sections are there in RA 8504?
What is Section 4 of RA 111166?
Philippine National Aids Council (PNAC)
Article 1 of RA 11166 is all about…
Philippine National Aids Council (PNAC)
What is Section 5 of RA 11166?
What section is described below:
Shall be reconstituted and streamlined to ensure the implementation of the country’s response to the HIV and AIDS situation
Section 4
What section is described below:
The PNAC shall be an agency attached to the
DOH with a separate budget under the General Appropriations Act (GAA).
Section 4
Section 4
What section is described below:
PNAC shall have its own secretariat and staffing pattern that shall be headed by an executive director.
Section 4
What is Section 6 of RA 11166?
Membership and Composition
What are the functions of PNAC?
● Develop the AIDS Medium Term Plan in collaboration with relevant government agencies, CSOs, the PLHIV community, and other stakeholders;
● Ensure the operationalization and implementation of AMTP;
● Strengthen the collaboration between government agencies and CSOs involved in the implementation of the national HIV and AIDS response, including the delivery of HIVV and AIDS related services
● Develop and ensure the implementation of the guidelines and policies provided in this Act, including other policies that may be necessary to implement the AMTP;
● Monitors the progress of the response to the country’s HIV and AIDs situation;
● Monitor the implementation of the AMTP, undertake mid-term assessments and evaluate its impact;
● Mobilize sources of funds for the AMTP;
● Mobilize its members to conduct monitoring and evaluation of HIV-related programs, policies and services within their mandate;
● Coordinate, organize and work in partnership with foreign and international organizations regarding funding, data collection, research, and treatment modalities on HIV and AIDS, and ensure foreign funded programs are aligned to the national response;
● Advocate for policy reforms to congress and other government agencies to strengthen the country’s response to the HIV and AIDS situation.
● Submit an annual report to the office of the President, Congress, and the embers of the Council;
● Identify gaps in the national responses on the part of government agencies and its partners from civil society and international organizations, in order to develop and implement the initial interventions required in these situations; and
● Recommend policies and programs that will institutionalize or continue the interventions required in addressing the gaps identified in the national response to the HIV and AIDS situation of the country.
According to Section 6, the council must be composed of how many representatives from organizations of people living with HIV and AIDS?
According to Section 6, the council must be composed of how many representatives from NGOs working for the welfare or identified key populations?
True or False: The members of the PNAC shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines.
The heads of government agencies may be represented by an official whose rank shall not lower than an _________________.
Assistant Secretary or its equivalent
Assistant Secretary or its equivalent
The members of the PNAC shall be appointed not later than _________________ after the date of the enactment of this Act.
thirty (30) days
thirty (30) days
Who is the Permanent Chairperson of the PNAC?
DOH Secretary of Health
The person who is elected from the government agency years who shall serve a term of three years
Vice Chairperson
Members representing CSOs shall serve for a term of ____________ years renewable upon recommendation of the Council for a maximum of _________ consecutive terms.
three (3) years; two (2)
What is Section 7 of RA 11166?
What section is referred to below:
The PNAC shall be supported by a secretariat consisting of personnel with the necessary technical expertise and capacity that shall be conferred permanent appointments, subject to Civil Service rules and regulations.
Section 7
Section 7
True or False: The Secretariat shall be headed by an Executive Director who shall be under the direct supervision of the Chairperson of the PNAC (Secretary of Health of the DOH).
The following are functions of…
(1) Coordinate and manage the day-to-day affairs of the PNAC;
(2) Assist in the formulation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies and the AMTP;
(3) Provide technical assistance, support, and advisory services to the PNAC and its external partners;
(4) Assist the PNAC in identifying and building internal and external networks and partnerships;
(5) Coordinate and support the efforts of the PNAC and its members to mobilize resources; (6) Serve as the repository of HIV and AIDS-related information;
(7) Disseminate updated, accurate, relevant, and comprehensive information about the country’s HIV and AIDS situation to PNAC members, policy makers, and the media;
(8) Provide administrative support to the PNAC; and
(9) Coordinate, fund and implement, as directed by the PNAC, the interventions identified by the Council as gaps in the AMTP implementation, in cooperation with CSOs and the PLHIV community
What is Section 8 of RA 11166?
AIDS Medium Term Plan (AMTP)
This is a National Multi-Sectoral Strategic Plan to prevent and control the spread of HIV and AIDS in the country.
The PNAC shall formulate and periodically update the _______ year AMTP.
6 year
What is Section 9 of RA 11166?
The Role of DOH
The National HIV and AIDS and STI prevention and Control program (NASPCP) of the DOH, which shall be composed of ___________________ (2) with permanent appointments,and with adequate yearly budget - identified from AMTP.
qualified medical specialists and support personnel
qualified medical specialists and support personnel
What section is described below:
The epidemiology Bureau shall maintain a comprehensive HIV and AIDS monitoring and evaluation program that shall serve the following purposes:
(1) determine and monitor the magnitude and progression of HIV and AIDS in the Philippines and regularly provide a list of priority areas with high magnitude of HIV and AIDS cases and coinfections to help the PNAC Evaluate the adequacy and efficacy of HIV prevention and treatment programs being employed;
(2) receive, collate, process and evaluate all HIV - and AIDS- related medical reports from all hospitals, clinics, laboratories and testing centers, including HIV-related deaths and a relevant data from public and private hospitals, various databanks or information systems: Provided, that it shall adopt a coding system that ensures anonymity and confidentiality; and
(3) submit, through its secretariat, quarterly and annual reports to the PNAC containing the findings of its monitoring and evaluation activities in compliance with this mandate.
Section 9
Section 9
What is Section 10 of RA 11166?
Protection of Human Rights
Protection of Human Rights
According to Section 10, the members of the PNAC are in cooperation with CSOs, and in collaboration with the __________________________ and ___________________________ to protect human rights.
Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Commission on Human Rights (CHR)
Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Commission on Human Rights (CHR)
What section is referred to below:
The DOJ and CHR, in coordination with the PNAC, shall take the lead in developing redress mechanisms for PLHIV and key affected populations to ensure that their civil, political, economic, and social rights are protected.
Section 10
True or False: The PNAC shall cooperate with local government units (LGUs) to strengthen existing mediation and reconciliation mechanisms at the local level.
What is Section 11 of RA 11166?
Prevention Program
What is Article II of RA 11166?
Information, Education and Communication
What section is referred to below:
HIV and AIDS prevention program that will educate the public on HIV and AIDS and other STIs, with the goal of reducing the risky behavior, lowering vulnerabilities, and promoting the human rights of PLHIV.
Section 11
What section is referred to below:
The PNAC shall promote and adopt a range of measures and interventions, in partnership with CSOs that aim to prevent, halt, or control the spread of HIV in the general population, especially among the key populations and vulnerable communities.
Section 11
The HIV and AIDS education and prevention programs shall be _______________ and based on _____________________ evidence and scientific strategies.
age appropriate; up-to-date
What is Section 12 of RA 11166?
Education in Learning Institutions
Education in Learning Institutions
What section is described below:
Using standardized information and data from the PNAC, the DepEd, CHED, and the Technical Education and Skills development authority ( TESDA) integrated in the curricula (basic and MOT, ways of Prevention the spread of HIV/AIDS /STIs), treatment, care and support and promote the STIGMA reduction.
Section 12
Section 12
What section is described below:
The learning modules shall include human right-based principles and information on treatment, care and support to promote stigma reduction.
Section 12
Section 12
What is Section 13 of RA 11166?
Education for Parents and Guardians
What section is referred to below:
The DepEd in coordination with parent -teacher organizations in schools and communities shall conduct awareness-building seminars in order to provide parents and guardians with a gender-responsive and age-sensitive HIV and AIDS education.
Section 13
What is Section 14 of RA 11166?
Education as a Right to Health and Information
What is Section 15 of RA 11166?
HIV and AIDS Information as a Health Service
HIV and AIDS Information as a Health Service
What section is referred to below:
HIV and AIDS education and information dissemination shall form part of a constitutional right to health.
Section 14
Section 14
What section is referred to below:
HIV and AIDS education and information dissemination shall form part of the delivery of health services by the health practitioners, workers, and personnel.
Section 15
What section is referred to below:
The knowledge and capabilities of all public health workers shall be considered a civic duty of health care providers in the private sector to make available to the public such information necessary to prevent and control the spread of HIV and AIDS and to correct common misconceptions about this disease.
Section 15
What section is referred to below:
The training of health workers shall include discussions on HIV-related ethical issues such as confidentiality, informed consent, and the duty to provide treatment.
Section 15
Section 15
What is Section 16 of RA 11166?
Education in the Workplace
What section is referred to below:
All public and private employers and employees,, including members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippines National Police (PNP), shall be regularly provided with standardized basic information and instruction on HIV and AIDs, including topics on confidentiality in the workplace and reduction or elimination of STIGMA and DISCRIMINATION.
Section 16
Who shall implement Section 16 among the private sector?
Who shall implement Section 16 among the public sector?
Who shall implement Section 16 among the uniformed service sector?
What is Section 17 of RA 11166?
Education for Filipinos going Abroad
What section is referred to below:
The state shall ensure that all overseas Filipino workers and diplomatic, military, trade, and labor officials and personnel to be assigned overseas shall attend a seminar on the causes, manner of prevention, and impact of HIV and AIDS, before being granted a certification for overseas assignment: Provided, that the seminar shall be conducted at no cost to overseas Filipino workers or to the officials concerned.
Section 17
What section is referred to below:
The DOLE, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), the Commission on Filipino Overseas (CFO), and other relevant government agencies in collaboration with the DOH, shall ensure the implementation of this section.
Section 17
What is Section 18 of RA 11166?
Information for Tourists and Transients
Information for Tourists and Transients
What section is referred to below:
Educational materials on the causes, MOT, preventions, and consequences of HIV infection and list of HIV counseling testing facilities shall be adequately provided at all international and local ports of entry and exit.
Section 18
Section 18
What section is referred to below:
The PIA, together with other relevant government agencies, in coordination with the PNAC and stakeholders in the tourism industry, shall lead the implementation of this section.
Section 18
What section is referred to below:
The DILG, the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), the Leagues of Provinces, the League of Cities, and the League of Municipalities, through the local HIV and AIDS councils (LAC) or the local health boards and in coordination with PNAC, shall implement a locally-based, multi-sectoral community response to HIV and AIDs through various channels on evidence-based, gender-responsive, age-appropriate, and human rights -oriented prevention tools to stop the spread of HIV.
Section 19
What is Section 19 of RA 11166?
Education in Communities
What section is referred to below:
Gender and Development (GAD) funds and other sources may be utilized for this purposes.
Section 1
Section 19
What section is referred to below:
Indigenous peoples communities and geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDA) shall also be given due focus in the implementation of this section.
Section 19
What section is referred to below:
The DILG, in coordination with the DSWD and the NYC shall also conduct age- appropriate HIV and AIDS education for out-of-school youth.
Section 19
What section is referred to below:
To ensure that HIV services reach key populations at higher risk, the PNAC, in collaboration with the LGUs and CSOs engaged in HIV and AIDs programs and projects, shall support and provide funding for HIV and AIDS programs and projects, shall support and provide funding for HIV AND AIDS education programs, such as peer education, support groups, outreach activities, and community-based research that target these populations and other vulnerable communities.
Section 20
What is Section 20 of RA 11166?
Information for Key Populations and Vulnerable Communities
Information for Key Populations and Vulnerable Communities
What is Section 21 of RA 11166?
Information on Prophylactics
What section is referred to below:
Appropriate information shall be attached to, or provided with every prophylactic offered for sale or given as donation.
Section 21
What section is referred to below:
Such information shall be legibly printed in English and Filipino, and contain literature on the proper use of the prophylactic device or agent, and its efficacy against HIV and STI
Section 21
What is Section 22 of RA 11166?
Misinformation on HIV and AIDS
What section is referred to below:
Misinformation on HIV and AIDs, which includes false and misleading advertising and claims in any form of media, including traditional media, internet and social platforms, and mobile applications, of the promotional marketing of drugs,, devices, agents or procedures without prior approval from the DOH through the FDA (FOOD DRUG ADIMINISTRATION), and without the requisite medical and scientific basis, including markingsand indications in drugs and devices or agents, claiming to be a cure or a fail-safe prophylactic for HIV infection shall be prohibited.
Section 22
Section 22
What is Article 3 of RA 11166?
Preventive Measures, Safe Practices and Procedures
Preventive Measures, Safe Practices and Procedures
What is Section 23 of RA 11166?
HIV Prevention Measures
The following are involved in what section of RA 11166?
(a) Creation of rights-based and community -led behavior modification programs that seek to encourage HIV risk reduction behavior among PPLHIVs;
(b) Establishment and enforcement of rights-based mechanisms to strongly encourage newly tested HIV-positive individuals to conduct partner notification and to promote HIV status disclosure to partners;
(c) Establishment of standard precautionary measures in public and private health facilities;
(d) Accessibility of ART and management of opportunistic infections;
(e) mobilization of communities of PLHIV for public awareness campaigns and stigma reduction activities and
(f) Establish comprehensive human rights and evidence-based policies, programs, and approaches that aim to reduce transmission of HIV and its harmful consequences to members of key affected populations.
Section 23
What is Section 24 of RA 11166?
Comprehensive Health Intervention for Key Populations
Comprehensive Health Intervention for Key Populations
What section is described below:
The DILG and DOH, in the partnership with the key populations, shall establish a human rights and evidence-based HIV prevention policy and program for people who have higher risk of HIV infection and the other key populations.
Section 24
True or False: The presence of used or unused prophylactics shall be used as basis to conduct raids or similar police operations in sites and venues of HIV prevention interventions.
What is Section 25 of RA 11166?
Preventing Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission
What is Section 26 of RA 11166?
Standard Precaution on the Donation of Blood, Tissue or Organ
What section is described below:
(a) Donation of tissue or organ, whether gratuitous or onerous, shall be accepted by a laboratory or institution only after a sample from the donor has been tested negative for HIV;
(b) All donated blood shall also be subjected to HIV testing;
(c) All donors whose blood, organ or tissue has been tested positive shall be deferred from donation, notified of their HIV status, counselled, and referred for care and clinical management as soon as possible;
(d) Donations of blood, tissue, or organs testing positive for HIV may be accepted for research purposes only; and shall be subject to strict sanitary disposal requirements and
(e) A second testing may be demanded as a matter of right by the blood, tissue, or organ recipient or his/her immediate relatives before transfusion or transplant, except during emergency cases.
Section 26
What is Section 27 of RA 11166?
Testing of Organ Donation
What is Section 28 of RA 11166?
Guidelines on Medical Management, Surgical and Other Related Procedures
What section is referred to below:
The DOH shall, in consultation with concerned professional organizations and hospital associations, issue guidelines on medical management of PLHIV and protocol on precautions against HIV transmission
Section 28
What section is referred to below:
During surgical, dental, embalming, body painting, or tattooing that require the use of needles or similar procedures.
Section 28
Section 28
What section is referred to below:
The necessary protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, and gowns shall be prescribed and required, and made available to all physicians and health care providers, tattoo artists, and similarly exposed personnel at all times.
Section 28
What section is referred to below:
The DOH shall likewise issue guidelines on the handling and disposal of cadavers, body fluids, or wastes of persons known or believed to be HIV-positive.
Section 28
Section 28
What is Article IV of RA 11166?
Screening, Testing, and Counseling
Screening, Testing, and Counseling
What is Section 29 of RA 11166?
HIV Testing
What section is referred to below:
As a policy, the state shall encourage voluntary HIV testing. Written consent from the person taking the test must be obtained before HIV testing.
Section 29
What section is referred to below:
In keeping with the principle of the evolving capacities of the child as defined in section 3(i) of this Act, if the person is fifteen (15) to below eighteen (18) years of age, consent to voluntary HIV testing shall be obtained from the child without the need of consent from a parent or guardian
Section 29
Section 29
What is Section 30 of RA 11166?
Compulsory HIV Testing
When is HIV Testing compulsory?
- Family Code (to resolve relevant issues)
- Donation
What is Section 31 of RA 11166?
Mechanisms and Standards on Routine Provider-Initiated and Client-Initiated HIV Counseling and Testing
Who shall do a pre-test and post test counseling?
- HIV and AIDS Counselor
- Licensed Social Worker
- Licensed Health Service Provider
What is Section 32 of RA 11166?
HIV Testing for Pregnant Women
What section is referred to below:
A health care provider who offers pre-natal medical care shall offer provider-initiated HIV testing for pregnant women. The DOH shall provide the necessary guidelines for healthcare providers in the conduct of the screening procedure.
Section 32