Unit 5: Political Participation Flashcards
14th amendment
ensures equal protection under the law preventing states from enacting discrimantory practices on a persons ability to vote
15th amendment
citizens wont be denied access to voting due to race, color ,or previous condition of servitude
17th amdnment
senators are chose by popular vote
19th amendmnet
women can vote
24th amendmnet
no more poll taxes
26th amendmnet
citizens 18 or older can vote
rational choice voting
occurs when a vote revires the ssues or candidate, evaluates campaign promises and decides to vote in a way that benefits them the most
retrospective voting
a voter looks back at the candidates track records
prospective voting
a voter anticipates what might happen in the future, considering the promises and the platform that may impact the voter’s life moving foward
straight ticket voting
voter selects candidates from the same political party for all offices on the ballot
structural barriers to voting
voting registration
voter id laws
election day issues
voter registration
most states require enrollment 30 days in advance
different rules in different states
federalsim: both state and federal laws
voter id laws
burden to the poor and to certain demographics
election day issues
long poll lines
people at work
political effiacy
citizens’ trust in their ability to change the government
linkage institutions
a structure within a society that connects the people to the government
political parties, elections, the media, ect
interest groups
An organization of people sharing a common interest or goal that seeks to influence the making of public policy.
use litigation to set precendent
how are elections a linkage institution
give “we the people” the most direct way to influence our government and its decisions through voting and donations
how the media is a linkage institution
voice opinions
provide news
act as watchdog
republican plaform
liberty, economic prosperity, preserving American values and traditions, and restoring the American dream
democratic party platform
emphasizes social and economic equality, advocating for policies such as affordable healthcare through programs like the Affordable Care Act, climate change action, and renewable energy investments
Candidate-centered campaigns
are electoral strategies that focus on the individual candidate rather than the political party as a whole.
Critical elections
eletions that reveal sharp, lasting changes in loyalties to politcal partues
Proportional representation
each party running receives the proportion of legislative seats corresponding to its proportion of the vote.
winner take all system
an electoral process where the candidate who receives the most votes in a particular state wins all of that state’s electoral votes
two party system
a political party system in which two major political parties consistently dominate the political landscape
third party agendas
to the set of issues, policies, and priorities that are championed by political parties outside of the two dominant parties.