Unit 5: Global Governance Flashcards
A continuous process of balancing different interests and initiating cooperative action between different countries
Global Governance
The 4 factors behind the emergence of global governance
- permeability of nation-states
- mass migration and flow of criminal elements
- internal events nation-states are unable to control on their own
- global problems a single nation-state is unable to tackle on their own
An international organization founded in 1945 after WWII, currently made up of 193 members states, aims to foster cooperation among nation-states to address global problems
United Nations
The 6 main bodies of the United Nations
- General Assembly
- International Court of Justice
- Security Council
- Trusteeship Council
- Economic & Social Council
- Secretariat
The 5 roles and functions of the United Nations
- maintain international peace & security
- protection of human rights
- deliver humanitarian aid
- promote sustainable development
- uphold international law
4 key challenges of global governance
- nationalistic interests
- lack of consensus or general agreement
- indistinct & diffused authority
- incoherent policies on emerging trends
The […] is a distinctive political community with its own government which asserts sovereignty over its land and people
A large group of people who inhabit a specific territory and are connected by history, culture, or another commonality
A sovereign institution that governs individuals sharing a collectives history and culture within a bounded territory
The […] is considered as the representative of the people and the people are the source of its legitimacy and sovereignty