Unit 1: Introduction to Globalization Flashcards
According to […], globalization cannot be truly defined
Refers to the economic and political faces of a country and its connection with other countries
The 3 objectives of globalization
- shrinkage of the world
- onset of a borderless world
- world distances being closer
Refers to the the economic, societal, cultural, and technological connection of countries
The 3 metaphors of globalization
- Solidity
- Liquidity
- Flows
Metaphor of Globalization
Barriers preventing free movement
(e.g. language barriers, cultural rules)
Metaphor of Globalization
Increasing the ease of movement of resources
(e.g. tourism)
Metaphor of Globalization
Movement of resources across the globe due to advances in technology, economy, politics, and global policies
According to […], globalization originated from human’s want to have a better life
Chanda, 2007
Refers to how the ways of globalization in the past has an origin
According to […], globalization means the onset of a borderless world
According to […], globalization is characterized by the internationalizing of production, division of labor, migration, and a competitive environment
Robert Cox
According to […], globalization is a process in which the production and financial structures of countries are becoming interlinked by an increasing number of cross-border transactions
Bairoch & Kozul-Wright
According to […], globalization is the latest stage in a long accumulation of technological advance
The 5 perspectives on the origin of globalization
- basic motivations
- cycles
- epochs
- events
- broader changes
The 3 critics on the existing evidences of globalization
- rejectionists
- sceptics
- modifiers
The 3 theories of globalization
- World System Theory
- World Polity Theory
- World Culture Theory
An increasing sameness as information and ideas flow across boundaries
Th creation of local inputs leading to a variety of cultural hybrids
The 3 perspectives in global cultural flow
- Cultural Differentialism
- Cultural Hybridization
- Cultural Convergence