Unit 5 - Education Flashcards
Hidden Curriculum
- Competition: Schools encourage students to compete against each other
- Obeying rules and authority: Students learn to obey society through rewards and sanctions.
- Hierarchy: Students learn people are on different levels.
- Time management skills and order: Students learn how to time manage with their homework and getting to class and learn order through uniforms.
Why do Middle class children do better in education then working class
- Cultural capital: Middle class students have more finance, support and encouragement.
- Better living conditions: Middle class likely have better diets, their own space to work in and access to internet giving them a better position to learn.
- Higher levels of aspiration: aim for higher status job (parents influence)
- Halo effect from (middle class) teachers: Middle class students seen as more intelligent because they share same norms and values as teachers. This leads to labelling and self fulfilling prophecy
- Peer values that encourage a more studious approach to school work: Students choose friends like them who share same norms and values.
Why do girls do better than boys in school
- There is now less restriction on the subjects boys and girls can study, and nowadays it is more acceptable for girls to go into jobs such as engineering and males jobs such as nursing – however the gender bias is not completely gone.
- Girls are more likely to take greater pride in their work – this may be linked to the greater values that girls place on personal appearance, which is encouraged by other institutions such as mass media.
- Some sociologists suggest that boys have developed an anti-school subculture. Where is is seen as “uncool” to work. However some girls are also apart of this culture, suggesting gender doesn’t matter.
Comprehensive vs Independant
* Less money
* School speed
* All are allowed
* Smaller classes
* More money
* Held back
* More facilities
* More opportunity