Unit 5 - Civil Liberties Flashcards
Thirteenth Amendment
Abolished slavery
Fourteenth Amendment
States must respect civil liberties and immunities, offer due process and equal protection under the law
Fifteenth Amendment
Granted Black males the right to vote
Nineteenth Amendment
Gave women right to vote
Twenty Fourth Amendment
Cannot deny voting rights due to poll tax or any other tax
Twenty Sixth Amendment
Lowered the voting age to 18
Age discrimination in employment Act
Prohibits discrimination of people over 40 in workplace
Age discrimination Act
Prohibits age discrimination for receiving public assistance
Civil Rights Act 1957
Prohibits racial intimidation when voting
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Expanded the 1957 act to include all the other protected groups
Voting rights act
Prohibits racial discrimination in voting period
Fair housing act
Law requires equal housing regardless of race, sex etc.
Rehabilitation Act
Requires reasonable accommodations for persons w/ disabilities
Americans w/ Disabilities act
Prevents discrimination of persons w/ disabilities
Equal pay act
Law made it illegal to pay men more than women for same work at same place
Pregnancy discrimination act
Law made it illegal to discriminate against pregnant women
Basis, Intermediate, and Strict Court Scrutiny
Cases organized by basic discrimination, then sex, then race and other protected groups
Habeas Corpus
Cannot detain someone without convincing the judge why
Bill of Attainder
Legislatures cannot try and convict someone, only the courts can
Ex posto facto
Cannot convict someone now, of a crime that wasn’t illegal at the time
There is only 1 crime that is defined in constitution
First Amendment
Lists all our freedoms, speech, religion, assembly etc
Second Amendment
Right to bear arms
Fourth Amendment
No search and seizures w/o warrant
Fifth Amendment
Due process, no double jeopardy, no self incrimination, government has to pay for turning private property into public property
Sixth Amendment
Right to a lawyer, and speedy/public trial in state where crime was committed
Mapp Vs Ohio and the Exclusionary Rule
Evidence obtained from illegal search cannot be used
Eighth Amendment
No excessive bail/fines, no cruel and unusual punishment
Seventh Amendment
Right to a civil case for settling disputes with another person or entity in a different state
Kohl vs U.S
Established Eminent Domain, govt has to pay for taking your property
Establishment Clause
prohibits the government from “establishing” a national religion
Lemon vs Kurtzman
Created “Lemon” law, law stating govt. should not be involved w/ religion, advance or restrict it, and should not be based on religion.
Free exercise clause
govt cannot restrict religious beliefs or practices
Burwell vs Hobby Lobby
Owners do not have to cover birth control if it goes against their religious beliefs
Tinker vs Des Moines
Students can protest as long as it is peaceful and non-disruptive
Cohen vs California
Strengthened to freedom of speech right to include clothing ( in that case a jacket).
Title IX
Schools must spend public funds on programs for boys and girls equally
Brown vs Board of Educ.
Segregated schools are a violation of equal protection clause in 14th Amendment
Gideon vs Wainright
Poor people must be provided counsel for felony cases
U.S vs Miller
U.S can regulate firearms not regularly used by army, due to 2nd amendment clause of “well-regulated militia”
Obergefell v. Hodges
same-sex married couples had the same rights as other married couples.
Griswold vs Connecticut
Married couples can use birth control