Unit 4 - Political Participation Flashcards
Incumbency effect
People are more likely to vote for and donate to someone they are familiar with
Federal Election Campaign Act
Imposed limits on individual campaign contributions, and requires reporting of who donates
Soft Money
Can only be used for party building and issue ads, but not directly for the actual candidate
How has nominating a presidential candidate changed over time?
it has included more power for state primaries and a longer timeline for the process.
Those opposed to the electoral college feel that…
The Electoral College lessens political participation in “safe” states, undermines majority rule, and violates the one-person, one-vote expectation.
What was the “King Caucus”?
a group of party operatives from state legislatures that reflected the rise of political parties
What is the purpose of Political Party Caucuses?
to select a party’s candidates.
Purpose of primary systems during the Progressive Era?
to influence the outcome of voter selections in a primary election.
3 Necessities for running for president…
acquire a majority of you parties delegates, compete in caucuses, and maintain 50 different state campaigns
What is a brokered convention?
no candidate acquires a majority of a party’s delegates before the start of its convention.
2 Strategies to be considered when running for office…
negative campaigning and focusing on independent voters.
How are general elections different from primary?
You face a whole new group of voters.
Describe district method for voting
allocates one electoral vote to the popular vote winner of each congressional district and two electoral votes to the winner of a state’s popular vote.
What determines outcome of Presidential elections
Electoral votes and swing states
What happens if no candidate receives a majority of electoral college votes?
the House of Representatives determine who of the top three finishers will be elected with each state having one vote.
What is one advantage of the Electoral College system?
The Electoral College system, with its runoff procedure, has always worked.
What is the primary goal of interest groups?
to influence public policy.
Who or what is represented by a membership interest group?
a large number of people, usually paying dues, in support of common policy goals.
Whom does a lobbyist represent?
an individual, a company, a group of companies, unions, or a great variety of groups
Main basis or tactic for lobbying?
Exchange of information
Define Outside lobbying
Influencing public opinion as a means to influence public officials
How do interest groups influence politics?
contacting government officials and politicians and trying to influence the general public.
Define public interest group
Interest group that wants to better overall public situations/services ex. stricter seat belt laws
Who do legislative liasons represent?
Government institutions such as U.S. Dept of Health
Political Action Committee
An entity formed by an interest group to raise money and make contributions to political candidates and parties
Max amount of money a Political Action Committee can contribute
Citizens United v. FEC
made super PACs legal, allows them to spend unlimited, as long as they do not coordinate their activities with a candidate.
Interest Group - Legislative Strategy
Donating to both candidates so you’ve technically given $ to the winner either way
Interest Group - Electoral Strategy
Giving $ to candidate they really want to win, even if they may not be predicted to win by everyone else
Bundling Fundraising
Not writing one big check, breaking it up into many smaller ones so no one check is over the limit
Voting Rights Act of 1965
removed the discriminatory practices of states, limiting the right to vote because of race.
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 aka Motor Voter Law
Let people register to vote when they get their driver’s license, increased registration but not turnout
The Fifteenth Amendment
intended to open voting rights to African Americans, but that goal was precluded by discriminatory laws.
Nineteenth Amendment
Women in all states can vote
Twenty-Fourth Amendment
Breedlove v. Suttles, a court case that had declared the poll tax as constitutional.
The Twenty-Sixth Amendment
Lowered voting age from 21 to 18, bc military age was 18
Which system produces most voter turnout?
Mail-only system of voting
Why is caucus voter turnout lower?
Caucuses take more time for the voter than primaries.
Nominating Convention
Presidential candidate is chosen
What is generally true of primary voters?
They tend to be on more extreme ends of the political spectrum.
Amicus Brief
Lobbyists attempt at influencing Supreme Court Decisions
Closed Primary
Congressional nominee is elected
Difference between PAC and Super PAc
PAC can give money to a candidate, Super PAC cannot