unit 5: brachial plexus, medial cord Flashcards
Branch off the medial cord containing fibers from C8 & T1 with only muscle supply
medial pectoral nerve
The medial cord is formed by the ___ division of the inferior trunk
Two muscles supplied by medial pectoral nerve
pectoralis major
pectoralis minor
Nerve branch containing fibers from C8 & T1 that ramifies in the axilla & supplies SKIN of medial arm by axilla and elbow
medial cutaneous nerve of the arm
Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm receives some fibers from T2 thru s communication with the _____ nerve
Nerve branch containing fibers from C8 & T1 that leaves medial cord just distal to medial cutaneous nerve of the arm (picks up where it leaves off)
Medial cutaneous nerve of the FOREARM
The medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm supplies skin over the
biceps brachii
anterior & medial forearm distal to wrist
One of two terminal branches, contains fibers from c8, t1 & sometime c7 and gives off NO branches in the arm
ulnar nerve
The ulnar nerve travels medial to the ____ artery in the medial bicipital sulcus
The ulnar nerve crosses elbow on the posterior side of the ___ ___ in the sulcus for the ulnar nerve, where it is palpable
medial epicondyle
Two muscles of the forearm that are supplied by the ulnar nerve
flexor carpi ulnaris
flexor digitorum profundus (medial half)
The ___ branch of the ulnar n. supplies skin on the ulnar side of posterior hand, while the ____ branch supplies skin over hypothenar eminence
Ulnar n. travels deep to ____ ____ ____ to wrist, superficial to ___ ____ and divides into superficial and deep branches
flexor carpi ulnaris
flexor retinaculum
The ____ branch of the ulnar nerve divides into three terminal branches that supply palmar aspect of little finger and medial half of ring finger
the \_\_\_ branch of the ulnar nerve curves toward the thenar eminence and gives off branches supplying: abductor digiti minimi flexor digiti minimi brevis opponenes digiti minimi adductor pollicis deep head of flexor pollicis brevis all interossei lumbricals 3 & 4
nerve w/ contributions from both lateral & median cord, and contains fibers from C6-T1 but gives off no branches in the arm
median nerve
the median nerve travels in the medial bicipital sulcus, crosses the elbow _____, and enters forearm after passing bt ___ ___’s two heads
pronator teres
five forearm muscles that are innervated by the MEDIAN nerve
pronator teres flexor carbi radialis palmaris longus flexor digitorum superficialis pronator quadratus
nerve given off the median nerve in the elbow, that allows pronator quadratus to be innervated
anterior interosseous
the PALMAR branch of the median nerve is given off in the distal third of the forearm and supplies the SKIN of the (3):
thenar eminence
lateral wrist
palm (part not supplied by ulnar)
the median nerve passes thru the carpal tunnel and divides into three:
common palmar digital nerves
the three common palmar digital nerves supply the first to lumbrical muscles, and branches of the FIRST supply these three muscles
abductor pollicis brevis
flexor pollicis brevis
opponens pollicis
each common palmar digital nerve splits into TWO ___ ____ ___ nerves, which have only sensory function over the skin over the lateral 3.5 digits
proper palmar digital
non-muscular innervations of the median nerve
elbow, radiocarpal, midcarpal joints
communication w/ ulnar @ wrist