Unit 5 and 6 Flashcards
Define common pool resource.
A resource that is not owned by anyone that can be used by anyone without payment or other restriction.
What are the characteristics of common pool resources?
- Rivalrous.
- Non-excludable.
What is the story and topic concerning common pool resources?
- Tragedy of the commons.
- Unsustainable production creating resource depletion and negative externalities.
Define market failure.
The failure of markets to achieve allocative efficiency. Markets fail to producethe output at which marginal social benefits are equal to marginal social costs; social or community surplus (consumer surplus + producer surplus) is not maximized.
Define externality
External costs or benefits to third parties when a good or service is produced or consumed
What is socially optimum output?
- When allocative efficiency is achieved from society’s POV.
Define non-rivalrous
The consumption by one person does not reduce consumption by someone else.
Define non-excludable.
It is not possible to prevent someone from consuming.
Explain the matrix of goods
- Private goods (R, E) e.g. bike.
- Common pool resources (R, NE) e.g. ocean fish stock.
- Quasi-public good (NR, E) e.g. toll road.
- Public goods (NR, NE) e.g. national defense.
Why are quasi public goods government-produced?
They have very large positive externalities.
Private good
A good which is provided by firms and is rival and excludable and provides both external benefits and costs
Free goods
A good with no opportunity cost when consumed (e.g. Air)
Public good
A good which is provided by the government and is non-rival and non excludable and provides external benefits
Merit goods
Goods or services considered to be beneficial for people that are underprovided by the market and so under-consumed, mainly due to positive consumption externalities
Demerit goods
Goods or services that not only harm the individuals who consume these but
also society at large, and that tend to be overconsumed. Usually they are due to
negative consumption externalities.