UNIT 5 Flashcards
Peoples and States of Africa To 1500
Africa is a vast continent. T/F
In Africa, today, there are over_______ diverse and interrelated languages
Based on the degree of the relationships among African languages, linguists classify the peoples of Africa into the speakers of _____super-families which are:
Congo-Kordofanian, Afro-Asiatic, Nilo-Saharan and Khoisan
The speakers of the Afro-Asiatic super-family live in
live in northern Africa, the Sahara, the Horn of Africa and around Lake Chad
The Afro-Asiatic super-family is divided into____ groups which are:
Berber, Chadic, Coptic (Ancient Egyptian), Cushitic, Omotic and Semitic
Semitic language sub-group is spoken mainly in
the Horn of Africa
Omotic sub-family is spoken
only in Ethiopia
Cushitic branch extends from
the Red Sea coast, through the Horn of Africa, and into central Kenya and Tanzania.
Which super-family has the most significant
number of speakers?
Niger-Congo super-family
Niger-Congo super-family is followed by (according tot. no of speakers)
Afro-Asiatic Super–Family
There are over _____languages that are grouped in the Bantu family.
______, one of the most
widely spoken African languages and a mixture of African and Arab cultures, belongs to
the Bantu language group.
_____Super-Family is the third majority in terms of the number of speakers and
______Super-Family is the last majority in terms of speaking people
Khoisan Super-Family
has two subgroups: the Khoikhoi and the San.
Khoisan Super-Family