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Ifat emerged ______ of Shewa
Amhara Region was located
South of Lasta, between South Wollo and North Shewa
Location of Sultanate of Shewa
hot Lowland region on the left of the Awash River
location of the speakers of Afro-Asiatic Super Family region
North Africa, Sahara, HoA & aroung Lake Chad
location of the speakers of Khoisan Super-Family region
around Kalahari Desert of North of South Africa, Southwestern Botswana and Namibia
location of the speakers of Kordofanian region
Nuba hills (S. of Republic of Sudan)
location of the speakers of Niger Congo Family region
much of West Africa and all of Bantu Africa
location of the speakers of Bantu region
much of Sub-Saharan Africa
location of the speakers of Omotic region
only in Ethiopia
location of the speakers of Semitic region
mainly in HoA
location of the speakers of Cushitic region
on the Red Sea coast, through HoA, and into Central Kenya & Tanzania
Mamluk Decline
decline in agricultural productivity!
cattle plague &
Fung was established by cattle keeping nomads who lived in
N.E. Africa (present day R.o.Sudan)
9th C.
emergence of series of Muslim states
beginning of 8th C.
spread of Islam