UNIT 5 Flashcards
What is a developmental state according to Chalmers Johnson?
It occupies an intermidate space between the planning state and the regulatory state.
What do we understand by “patrimonialism”?
Patrimonialism is an informal system for controlling the flow of resources based on personal relationships and exchange.
-It leads to economic and social disadvantages for those who do not participate
-Enforces norms of reciprocity through group pressures
-Deals made between politicians and clients
What are the characteristics of a rentier state?
A rentier state relies on a substantial external rent, such as oil, and does not require a strong domestic productive sector.
Only a small proportion of the working population is involved in generating the rent, and the government is the principal recipient of the external rent.
How does a predatory state differ from a developmental state?
A predatory state is more insulated than embedded in society and prioritizes enlarging the personal wealth and political power of the ruling class. It lacks coherent bureaucratic apparatus, does not provide basic needs, and promotes the informal economy only for stability.
What is the concept of infrastructural power according to Michael Mann?
Infrastructural power refers to the actual penetration of societies by state bureaucracies and state-sponsored programs. It includes the ability to enforce policy throughout the state’s entire territory.
How does the concept of sovereignty relate to states in international relations?
Since the peace of Westphalia, the state has been the central organizational structure in international relations. Sovereignty underpins relations among states, but many states in the developing world fail to meet the basic criteria highlighted by Weber, Tilly, and Mann.
What is a rentier state?
A rentier state derives a substantial portion of its economy from payments from foreign countries in the form of rent. The state’s government is the principal recipient of the external rent.
Features of patrimonial states
Patrimonialism leads to close links between the state and the dominant class, limits popular participation, and relies on corporatist forms of organization. It uses rhetoric and symbols of nationalism to control the population.
What is the role of a guiding agency in a developmental state?
A guiding agency concentrates bureaucratic talent and is
-Responsible for industrial transformation
-It recruits highly talented, cohesive, and disciplined economic bureaucracy
-Institutionalizes close links between bureaucratic and business elites
How do Weber and Tilly define the state?
Weber defines the state as a human community claiming the monopoly of legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.
Tilly argues that an organization controlling the population in a defined territory is a state if it is differentiated, autonomous, centralized, and has formally coordinated divisions.
Characteristics of developmental states
A) A developmental state prioritizes economic growth and production over consumption and distribution.
B) It has a small but highly skilled bureaucratic class that acts as a technical elite with the capacity to select sectors for development and instruments to promote it
C) The political sphere ensures coordination between development policies and the interests of the country’s economic and social elites