Unit 5 Flashcards
State government is in charge
The Constitution left states in control of elections
Federal elections
Race can’t be a barrier to vote
15th amendment
Direct election of senators
Gives citizens more power and can choose senators
17th amendment
Gave women the right to vote
19th amendment
Banned the use of poll taxes
24th amendment
Lowered the voting age to 18
26th amendment
-rational choice voting
-retrospective voting
-prospective voting
-party - line voting
Structural barriers to voting
A person who votes for a candidate whose policies benefit the voter
Rational choice voting
*Backwards voting
Based on how the party has done in the past
Retrospective voting
*Forward voting
Based on who you believe will handle the most important issues better
Prospective voting
*Supporting a party
Voting for candidates from the same party for all public offices
Party-line voting
-party identification is the best indicator
-political ideology
-candidate characteristics
-contemporary political issues
Voter choice
A person’s belief that they can influence government and politics
Political efficacy
Connect people to get to the government and the government to the people
Linkage institutions
Focus on candidates as individuals, rather than party indifference
Candidate-centered politics