unit 4 wf Flashcards
> wf
Consume (v) /kənˈsjuːm/
Tiêu thụ, sử dụng
We should try not to c________ too much plastic.
Consumer (n) /kənˈsjuːmər/
Người tiêu dùng
The c________ buys products from the store.
Consumable (adj) /kənˈsjuːməbəl/
Có thể tiêu thụ được
Food and water are c________ items.
Consumerism (n) /kənˈsuːmɪrɪzəm/
Chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng
In modern society, c________ encourages people to buy more than they need.
> wf
Create (v) /kriˈeɪt/
Tạo ra, sáng tạo
I want to c________ a new video game.
Creation (n) /kriˈeɪʃən/
Sự sáng tạo, tác phẩm sáng tạo
The artist’s latest c________ is an amazing painting.
Creative (adj) /kriˈeɪtɪv/
Sáng tạo
She has a c________ mind and always has new ideas.
Creatively (adv) /kriˈeɪtɪvli/
Một cách sáng tạo
He worked c________ to finish the project on time.
> wf
Destroy (v) /dɪsˈtrɔɪ/
Phá hủy
The fire will d________ the entire forest if it’s not stopped.
Destruction (n) /dɪsˈtrʌkʃən/
Sự phá hủy
The earthquake caused great d________ to the buildings.
Destructive (adj) /dɪsˈtrʌktɪv/
Mang tính phá hủy
The storm was very d________ and damaged everything in its path.
Destructively (adv) /dɪsˈtrʌktɪvli/
Một cách phá hủy
The tornado passed through the town d________.
> wf
Develop (v) /dɪˈvɛləp/
Phát triển
They want to d________ a new app for education.
Development (n) /dɪˈvɛləpmənt/
Sự phát triển
The country’s d________ has been rapid in the last few years.
Developmental (adj) /dɪˈvɛləpməntəl/
Thuộc về phát triển
The project focuses on the d________ needs of the children.
Developmentally (adv) /dɪˈvɛləpməntəli/
Một cách phát triển
The children were d________ ready for school at the age of five.
> wf
Environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt/
Môi trường
The e________ is being affected by pollution.
Environmental (adj) /ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmɛntəl/
Thuộc về môi trường
They are working on e________ policies to protect nature.
Environmentally (adv) /ɪnˈvaɪərənˈmɛntəli/
Một cách bảo vệ môi trường
We should live e________ to reduce waste.
> wf
Function (n) /ˈfʌŋkʃən/
Chức năng
The main f________ of the app is to help you learn English.
Function (v) /ˈfʌŋkʃən/
Hoạt động, thực hiện chức năng
The machine will f________ if we press the button.
Functional (adj) /ˈfʌŋkʃənəl/
Có chức năng, hoạt động tốt
The kitchen is small but very f________.
Functionally (adv) /ˈfʌŋkʃənəli/
Một cách có chức năng
The software works f________ to meet the user’s needs.
> wf
Persuade (v) /pərˈsweɪd/
Thuyết phục
I tried to p________ her to come to the party.
Persuasion (n) /pərˈsweɪʒən/
Sự thuyết phục
He used his p________ to get the team to join the event.
Persuasive (adj) /pərˈsweɪsɪv/
Có sức thuyết phục
She gave a p________ speech that convinced everyone.
Persuasively (adv)
Một cách thuyết phục
He spoke p________ to change their opinion.
> wf
Pollute (v) /pəˈluːt/
Làm ô nhiễm
Factories should not p________ the air with smoke.”
Pollution (n) /pəˈluːʃən/
Sự ô nhiễm
The city is struggling with air p________.
Pollutive (adj) /pəˈluːtɪv/
Gây ô nhiễm
The factory’s p________ emissions harmed the environment.
Polluted (adj) /pəˈluːtɪd/
Bị ô nhiễm
The river was heavily p________ by waste.
> wf
Produce (v) /prəˈdjuːs/
Sản xuất
This farm can p________ a lot of vegetables each year.
Production (n) /prəˈdʌkʃən/
Sự sản xuất
The factory is focused on the p________ of toys.
Productive (adj) /prəˈdʌktɪv/
Có năng suất, hiệu quả
He is very p________ and finishes his work quickly.
Productively (adv) /prəˈdʌktɪvli/
Một cách hiệu quả
She worked p________ to finish the project on time.
> wf
Protect (v) /prəˈtɛkt/
Bảo vệ
We must p________ the environment from pollution.
Protection (n) /prəˈtɛkʃən/
Sự bảo vệ
The government is working on the p________ of endangered animals.
Protective (adj) /prəˈtɛktɪv/
Mang tính bảo vệ
The mother was very p________ of her baby.
Protectively (adv) /prəˈtɛktɪvli/
Một cách bảo vệ
She held the umbrella p________ over her head.
> wf
Provide (v) /prəˈvaɪd/
Cung cấp
The school will p________ free books to the students.
Provider (n) /prəˈvaɪdə/
Người cung cấp
He is the main p________ of food in the city.
Provision (n) /prəˈvɪʒən/
Sự cung cấp
The p________ of food and water is important during a natural disaster.
> wf
Reduce (v) /rɪˈdjuːs/
Giảm bớt
We need to r________ the use of plastic.
Reduction (n) /rɪˈdʌkʃən/
Sự giảm bớt
The company announced a r________ in prices.
Reducing (adj) /rɪˈdjuːsɪŋ/
Giảm bớt
They are r________ the amount of waste produced.
Reducively (adv) /rɪˈdjuːsɪvli/
Một cách rút gọn, một cách giản lượ
The teacher explained the problem r________, focusing only on the main points.
> wf
Responsible (adj) /rɪˈspɒnsɪbəl/
Có trách nhiệm
She is a very r________ person and always helps others.
Responsibly (adv) /rɪˈspɒnsəbli/
Một cách có trách nhiệm
We must act r________ when handling dangerous materials.
Responsibility (n) /rɪˌspɒnsɪˈbɪləti/
Trách nhiệm
Taking care of the pet is my r________.
> wf
Solve (v) /sɒlv/
Giải quyết
I will try to s________ the math problems.
Solution (n) /səˈluːʃən/
Giải pháp
The teacher gave us a good s________ to the problem.
Solvable (adj) /ˈsɒlvəbl/
Có thể giải quyết
This problem is s________ if we work together.
> wf
Surprise (v) /səˈpraɪz/
Làm ngạc nhiên
I will s________ him with a party for his birthday.
Surprise (n) /səˈpraɪz/
Sự ngạc nhiên
The party was a great s________ for her birthday.
Surprised (adj) /səˈpraɪzd/
Bất ngờ
She looked s________ when she saw the gift.
Surprising (adj) /səˈpraɪzɪŋ/
Đáng ngạc nhiên
It was a s________ gift from my friend.
Surprisingly (adv) /səˈpraɪzɪŋli/
Một cách bất ngờ
She finished the race s________ fast.
> wf
Weigh (v) /weɪ/
I will w________ the apples to see how much they cost.
Weight (n) /weɪt/
Cân nặng
He lost a lot of w________ after the diet.
Weighty (adj) /ˈweɪti/
Nặng nề
The box is so w________ I can’t carry it alone.