Unit 4 Vocab Flashcards
Apostolic Succession
: The uninterrupted passing on authority from the Apostles directly to all bishops. It is accomplished through the laying of hands when a bishop is ordained
The “going up” into Heaven of the Risen Christ forty days after his Resurrection
Blessed Trinity
The three Divine Persons in one God- Father & Son & Holy Spirit. The central mystery of our faith
Body of Christ
A term that, when capitalized, designates Jesus’ Body in the Eucharist, or the entire Church, which is also referred to as the Mystical Body of Christ
Of or relating to the Roman Catholic Church, of, relating to, or forming the church universal
The Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, who took flesh in Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus in Hebrew means “God saves” and was the name given to the historical Jesus at the Annunciation
Catholic Church
The name given to the universal group of Christian’s communities that are communion with the Pope
Of the same substance
Title given to God to signify that God and only God is the ultimate creator of everything that is and everything that ever will be
An official profession of faith, usually prepared and presented by a council of the Church and used in the church’s liturgy
Divine Revelation
God’s self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan
Those teachings that are recognized as central to Church teaching, defined by the Magisterium, and accorded the fullest weight and authority
The conscious and deliberate rejection of a dogma of the church
Immaculate Conception
The catholic dogma that the blessed Virgin Mary was free from sin from the first moment of her conception
Based on the words meaning “in flesh,” the mystery of the Son of God becoming man in the person of Jesus of Nazareth
The Old Testament name for God that is speaking or reading aloud was automatically substituted for the Yahweh, which was considered too scared to be spoken in the New Testament
The official teaching authority of the church, whose task is to interpret and preserve the truths of salvation revealed in both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
Marks of the Church
The four characteristics of the true Church of Jesus Christ : One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. These Marks are recited at the Mass as part of the Nicene Creed
Hebrew word for “anointed one.” Jesus is the Christ and the Messiah because he is the Anointed One
Belief in one God instead of many
The name given to the office and authority of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. As a successor of Saint Peter, the Pope serves as both a symbol and an agent of the unity of all believers
A name for the Holy Spirit, based on a word for “helper” or “advocate”
Paschal Mystery
The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension
The suffering and death of Jesus
The passage of Jesus from death to life on the third day after his crucifixion; the heart of the Paschal Mystery and the basis of our hope in the resurrection of the dead.
Sacred Scripture
The term refers to the process of passing on the Gospel message
Liberation from sin and eternal union with God in Heaven. Is accomplished by God alone through the Paschal Mystery
Salvation History
The pattern of events in human history that exemplify God’s presence and saving actions
Son of God
Title frequently applied to Jesus Christ, which recognizes him as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity
People of God
The biblical image for the Church. Those who share in Christ’s mission as priest, prophet, and king
The biblical event following the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus at which the Holy Spirit was poured out on his disciples. In the Liturgical Year, the feast fifty days after Easter on which the biblical event of Pentecost is recalled and celebrated